Commentary Search

  • Cover Your Trash

    Over the past several decades, the intelligence of ravens has allowed them to thrive in increasingly human-altered ecosystems. With each new development, new opportunities arise for ravens to find food, water and nest sites.

  • When it Comes to Snakes - Play it Safe!

    Warmer temperatures mean an increase in encountering our legless friends going about their lives and providing natures pest control services.  Snakes, like most animals, have no desire for human contact and should be treated with respect and given the chance to go about their lives in peace.

  • Summer Grilling

    When the warmer weather hit, there’s nothing better than the smell of food on the grill. Seven out of every 10 adults in the U.S. have a grill or smoker, which translates to a lot of tasty meals. But, it also means there’s an increased risk of home fires.

  • In The Western Skies

    This weekend marked two milestones in our nation’s history, both with a nexus here in the Aerospace Valley.

  • Hold It High

    A little over a hundred years ago, Western Europe experienced its own super bloom. In the middle of the brutal conditions of World War I, beautiful poppies covered the battlefields and even the hastily dug graves of fallen soldiers.

  • Delivering Performance at the Speed of Relevance

    In the past few days, the developmental test team at Edwards Air Force Base and the Air Force Test Center completed a vital test effort that directly impacted the warfighter. It was a joint effort with combat capability on the line. It didn’t take a decade to complete; it didn’t take a year or