Hello and welcome to team T-COT-A-TU, The Center of the Aerospace Testing Universe, here at Edwards AFB California. My name is Rebecca Balkenbush, and I am honored to serve as your School Liaison Program Manager.
I understand that the education of your children is a top consideration when it comes to a PCS move and I am happy to assist in your children’s educational transition.
I am the primary point of contact for school-related matters and the central point of contact for Commanders, military families, and school districts on preschool – 12th grade school issues.
Military Child Education is a top priority for Department of Air Force leadership and school quality is an essential factor that impacts retention and readiness. The School Liaison program supports military-connected families by providing a variety of services such as: inbound and outbound transfers, information on local schools and homeschooling, information on educational resources, initiatives and community activities, scholarship and grant resources, and assistance with Military Interstate Children’s Compact Commission (MIC3) compliance.
I look forward to meeting you and your family and thank you for your service to our country!
For more information on how the School Liaison program supports military-connected families, please click on Department of the Air Force School Liaison Program below.
The Department of the Air Force School Liaison Program is committed to outreach, advocacy, and partnership initiatives that generate real-time solutions for military-connected students in grades Pre-Kindergarten through grade 12 as they face global, educational challenges and transitions.
Phone: 661-277-2456 or DSN: 527-2456 Address: 5 N Seller Ave Bldg 3000 Edwards AFB, CA 93524 Email: 412.FSS.School.Liaison@us.af.mil
You may send your child to a traditional public school where you live, a public magnet school, a public charter school, a private school or home-school.
Yes, the Interstate Compact on Educational Opportunity for Military Children uses a comprehensive approach that provides a consistent policy in every school district and in every State that chooses to join. The goal of the Compact is to replace the widely varying policies affecting transitioning military students.
The Compact addresses key educational transition issues encountered by military families including enrollment, placement, attendance, special education services, eligibility and graduation.
Children of active duty members of the uniformed services, National Guard and reserve on active duty orders, and, for one year after leaving service, members or veterans who are medically discharged or retired are eligible for assistance under the Compact. For additional information, please visit the Interstate Compact Commission at www.mic3.net.
Your School Liaison Specialist has listings of private schools in the surrounding areas around Edwards AFB. Information on private schools is also available on the California Department of Education website http://www.cde.ca.gov/ds/si/ps/.
The Private School Directory lists over 1,000 private schools that filed the annual Private School Affidavit and reported enrollments of six or more students. The majority of our students attend schools in Kern County, Los Angeles County, and San Bernardino County.
All public schools in California are responsible for California State learning standards. Please review each school’s Academic Performance Index (API) and school climate survey at the link below to determine the best match for your child: http://www.cde.ca.gov/getschoolreport. In addition, you can learn more about each school by visiting the California State Dashboard: California School Dashboard (CA Dept of Education) (caschooldashboard.org)
The California Education Code 48200 states that where you live determines where your child attends a traditional public school.
You may request a permit to transfer however permits are not always granted from your home school district. If you live on base housing your home school district is the MUROC Joint Unified school district. Please visit their web site to obtain a permit to transfer application at www.muroc.k12.ca.us.
Please visit http://www.cde.ca.gov/sp/ps/rq/psfaq.asp#D. to learn more about schooling at home in the state of California. Home School Support
Proof of age of minor, immunization record, proof of residency, and contact info for last school attended. For Kindergarten, a physical examination and dental screening is required. For special needs, a copy of latest IEP and last evaluation. Copy of Cumulative Folder: Current Schedule/Report Cards/Test Scores and Course Descriptions/Grading Scale if available for 6th grade and above
A Magnet school is a public school operated under a court-ordered or federally approved voluntary desegregation plan offering a specialized curriculum, to a student body representing a cross section of the community. They attract students of different racial and socioeconomic backgrounds with similar educational interests, provide unique sets of learning opportunities, encourage innovation, and promote academic gains for students. Not all magnet schools are gifted.
Edwards AFB has the Exceptional Family Member Program (EFMP). The EFMP-Family Support Specialist can help navigate and/or connect with community and family support services through: - Information and Referral (before, during, and after PCS) to on-base, local, state, and federal services - Support Services in the form of outreach - Community awareness and education on EFMP For more information, please call Ms. Stephanie Warner at stefanie.warner@us.af.mil or call 661-277-0723. Special Education Services & Resources - https://www.cde.ca.gov/sp/se/sr/ Military Interstate children’s Compact Commission (MIC3) Special Education Services: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LZthoSYuuHs
Connect schools, families, and communities to meet the unique needs of PreK-12 military-connected students. Cultivate communication pathways between families, schools, community stakeholders and the military. Customize real-time solutions for military-connected students facing transitional barriers and educational gaps. Collaborate with community stakeholders to build a platform for enhanced educational opportunities and partnerships. Comprehensive professional development for educators to understand the military lifestyle. Construct a network of extensive resources for building resilient communities. Create a system of support for military-connected students experiencing parental deployment or separation.
On Base - Muroc Joint Unified
Off-Base - Antelope Valley Union High School - Eastside Union K-8 - El Tejon Unified School District - Gorman Joint - Hughes-Elizabeth Lakes Union - Keppel Union - Lancaster School District - Mojave Unified K-12 - Palmdale School District - Southern Kern Unified - Tehachapi Unified - Westside Union - Wilsona School District
Rebecca Balkenbush, School Liaison Program Manager
Phone: 661-277-2456 or DSN: 527-2456 Cell: 661-902-8335 Address: 5 N Seller Ave Bldg 3000 Edwards AFB, CA 93524 Email: 412.FSS.School.Liaison@us.af.mil Office hours: 7:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. LINK to School Liaison’s worldwide
- School Liaison Program Core Focus Areas - Expanded Eligibility Pilot Program - Edwards AFB Youth Sponsorship Request Form - School Liaison Office | 412th Force Support Squadron (edwardsfss.com) - College Readiness Program Available to Edwards Students - Military Child Education Coalition Parent Webinars - California Dashboard - Department of the Air Force School Liaison Program - Scholarship Search - HQ DoDEA - Non-DoDEA School Program (NDSP) - Transition Support - Child and Youth Military Family Life Counseling - Home School Support - MIC3 - Academic Resources
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Special Education Services and Resources Navigating Your Military-Connected Child's IEP
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California Department of Education Military Children Special education Private Schools & Schooling at Home Charter Schools