
Supporting the Edwards Air Force Base Mission Through Sound Environmental Stewardship

At Edwards Air Force Base, the mission and the environment go hand-in-hand. The unique physical environment is what makes the desert such an ideal place for flight-test activities. Helping the flight testers maintain access to air, land and water for testing and other operations, while not upsetting the delicate balance of the desert ecosystem, is the mission of the 412th Civil Engineer Group Environmental Management Division (412 CEG/CEV).


Early Notice and Public Review of a Proposed Activity in a 100-year and a 500-year Floodplain

Edwards Air Force Base, California
Nov. 20, 2024


Expand List item 4542Collapse List item 4542  Nov. 25, 2024
Notice of Availability: 
DRAFT Environmental Assessment and PROPOSED Finding of no Significant Impact (FONSI) for Readiness and Environmental Protection Integration Program

The United States Department of the Air Force (DAF) at Edwards Air Force Base (AFB), California, announces the availability of a Draft Environmental Assessment (EA) evaluating the potential environmental impacts, beneficial and adverse, from the proposed restrictive use easement (RUE) to prevent further residential, commercial, and industrial development in and adjacent to areas used by DAF.

The EA, prepared in accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), the Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ) NEPA implementing regulations, and DAF’s environmental impact analysis process, evaluates potential impacts on the environment from the DAF’s Proposed Action. Based on analysis in the Draft EA, no significant adverse impacts would be anticipated from implementation of the Proposed Action. Accordingly, the DAF has prepared a Draft Finding of No Significant Impact (FONSI) to document the findings of the Draft EA.

Electronic copies: 
DRAFT Environmental Assessment, Part 1  
DRAFT Environmental Assessment, Part 2  
DRAFT Environmental Assessment, Part 3  
DRAFT Finding of no Significant Impact (FONSI) for Readiness and Environmental Protection Integration Program

Copies of the Draft EA and Draft FONSI are also available for review at the following local libraries:

  • Rosamond Branch Library – 3611 Rosamond Boulevard, Rosamond CA
  • Tehachapi Branch Library – 212 South Green Street, Tehachapi, CA
  • Mojave Branch Library – 15555 O Street, Mojave, CA
  • Arvin Branch Library – 201 Campus Drive, Arvin, CA
  • Frazier Park Public Library – 3732 Park Dr, Frazier Park, CA
  • Wilson Branch Library – 1901 Wilson Road, Bakersfield, CA

You are encouraged to submit comments within 30 days of the publication of this notice. Comments or inquiries may be sent to the attention of: Ms. Reina Juarez, 412 CEG/CEVA, 120 N. Rosamond Blvd, Building 3735, Edwards Air Force Base, CA 93524-8600, or via email (preferred) to reina.juarez1@us.af.mil.

Expand List item 4520Collapse List item 4520  Nov. 12, 2024
Required Drinking Water Service Line Notice for AFRL at Edwards AFB

The notice below is required by the U.S. EPA, which introduced a new reporting requirement that all drinking water suppliers must identify and report the material used in the pipes that supply water to users. There are 11 buildings at AFRL that will require excavation to verify what type of pipes are used there, and the base has a plan to complete that task. In the meantime, the EPA is requiring the base to post the notice below. This is not an emergency for water users. The water is safe to drink at all locations across the base, both at the Air Force Research Laboratory and at main base. The base regularly samples the water all over the base to ensure it meets all state and federal standards for safe drinking water. This is simply a reporting issue on a new reporting requirement by the EPA.
Click here to read and/or download the notice. 

Restoration Advisory Board

Expand List item 5598Collapse List item 5598  About RAB

The Restoration Advisory Board is the primary voice of the public and base workers in the Environmental Restoration Program. This group of volunteers acts as an information conduit between neighboring and base communities and the officials responsible for investigating and remediating environmental contamination at Edwards AFB.

Board members represent communities and work areas from both on- and off-base at semiannual meetings, which are open to the public. At the meetings, members review current investigations and remedial efforts, as well as learn about proposed plans for future remedial efforts. However, their most important task is bringing public concerns to the Air Force. Those with concerns may contact any member with a question or issue. More information can be found on the RAB's Facebook page at www.facebook.com/RAB.Edwards.

Expand List item 5601Collapse List item 5601  RAB Meeting Minutes
Expand List item 5599Collapse List item 5599  Next RAB Meeting

Date: November 21, 2024
Time: 5:30 p.m.
Location: Best Western Plus Desert Poppy Inn, 2038 W Avenue I, Lancaster, CA 93536

Expand List item 5600Collapse List item 5600  RAB Bylaws and Charter
Expand List item 5602Collapse List item 5602  RAB Fact Sheet 

Water Quality

Expand List item 5603Collapse List item 5603  Water Quality Reports

The Bioenvironmental Engineering Flight is pleased to present the Edwards Air Force Base and Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL) 2022 Annual Water Quality Reports. We feel it is important our customers know about where our water comes from, what it contains, and how it compares to requirements set by regulatory agencies. This report is a snapshot of last year’s water quality.

2023 Annual CCRs: 
Main base click here
AFRL click here 

Environment Management

Expand List item 5604Collapse List item 5604  Environmental Commitment Statements
Expand List item 5605Collapse List item 5605  About

To effectively accomplish its mission, Environmental Management has adopted an approach that provides expert services in all areas of environmental support. Appropriate personnel are consulted during the planning and implementation stages of all test programs and construction projects on Edwards.

Edwards environmental experts actively work with regulatory agencies and the community in a spirit of cooperation and commitment to ensure the base accomplishes its mission without harming the environment.

Expand List item 5606Collapse List item 5606  Three main areas of environmental service and support 

Three main areas of environmental service and support are provided through the Environmental Management office at Edwards. They include:

Compliance: Manages air quality, water quality, hazardous material, hazardous and universal waste, aboveground and underground storage tanks, and special programs (polychlorinated biphenyls, asbestos, and lead-based paint). Assists base organizations with the selection, design and installation of low emissions equipment, as well as applying for and maintaining permits. The goal of compliance is to meet and satisfy all applicable environmental laws, statutes and regulations. Compliance also develops processes to minimize the use of hazardous material, minimize generation of hazardous waste, reduce solid waste going to the landfill and promote reuse and recycling programs.

Conservation: Provides environmental analysis for test programs and construction projects. Also manages the protection and preservation of natural resources and cultural and historic sites on Edwards. 412 CEG/CEV also works closely with our environmental restoration colleagues from the Air Force Civil Engineer Center Installation Support Team (AFCEC/CZOW), who share our office space.

AFCEC/CZOW Restoration: Manages hazardous waste cleanup efforts at Edwards AFB. Under the Environmental Restoration Program, hazardous waste sites are identified, investigated and cleaned up with the goal of protecting human health and the environment. Documents related to environmental restoration investigation and mitigation at Edwards AFB are in the base's Administrative Record. To view the full record, you may contact Gary Hatch, 412th Test Wing Public Affairs, at (661) 277-8707 or by e-mailing 412tw.pae@us.af.mil. You may also view Administrative Record documents online at https://ar.cce.af.mil (select "Edwards AFB" under the Installation List). Two publications the public may find useful are the Environmental Restoration Community Involvement Plan and the quarterly Report to Stakeholders newsletter. Links to both documents can be found under the "Publications" tab on this site.


Building 3735
120 N. Rosamond Blvd., Suite A
Edwards AFB, CA  93524


Social Media

Environmental Public Affairs
412 TW/PA
305 East Popson Avenue
Edwards AFB, CA 93524

Published materials

Published data and documents relating to the Environmental Restoration Program are available for public review.

Edwards AFB Library
5 West Yeager Blvd. 
Edwards AFB, CA 93524

Wanda Kirk Branch Library
3611 Rosamond Blvd. 
Rosamond, CA 93560

Lancaster Public Library
601 West Lancaster Blvd. 
Lancaster, CA 93534