Location: Building 3925
55 N. Wolfe Ave.
Edwards AFB, CA 93524
Phone: (661) 277-7118
How can I schedule an appointment?
All routine eye exams are by appointment only and do not require a referral. Active duty TRICARE Prime patients can schedule routine appointments through the appointment line (661-277-7118). Routine appointments are not scheduled directly by the clinic. Acute problems are seen on a walk-in basis and should call the appointment desk to be connected directly to the clinic.
Eye appointments for ALL other TRICARE beneficiaries should be scheduled with a TRICARE network provider. More information about TRICARE vision benefits can be found at https://www.tricare.mil/CoveredServices/Vision.
What should I bring to my appointment?
For routine eye exams, patients should bring in their current prescription glasses or a copy of their old prescription. Patients coming in for a contact lens prescription update should wear their current contact lenses to the appointment. They also need to provide a copy of the current lens prescription, or bring in the contact lens boxes.
What services does the Optometry clinic provide?
The Optometry Clinic provides state-of-the-art, comprehensive eye care. This includes but is not limited to: prescription of eyeglasses, contact lens prescription updates (not initial contact lens fittings) and diagnosis and treatment of eye diseases such as glaucoma, macular degeneration, and diabetic retinal exams. The Optometry
Clinic has an excellent referral relationship with many top specialists in the local community and should be the first point of contact for all vision and eye related problems.