Bird's Eye View: Edwards welcomes retirees

  • Published
  • By Col. Bryan J. Gallagher
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This weekend, we welcome a large contingent of retirees to hangar 1600 as we celebrate Retiree Appreciation Day. Our guests of honor are retirees who have hung up their uniforms and moved on to other things, but not before serving their country with honor and integrity. 

The event begins Saturday at 8 a.m. with coffee and donuts and is followed by a presentation at 9 a.m. Among the speakers is retired Lt. Gen. Donald A. Peterson, who will discuss the challenges and opportunities facing retirees. Other speakers include a variety of distinguished civilian and military leaders including Maj. Gen. Curtis Bedke, Air Force Flight Test Center commander. 

There will also be several military and private commercial booths for our retired guests. 

After the presentation, our guests will have the opportunity to update their identification cards as well as visit the Base Exchange and the commissary. 

Several on-base organizations have worked very hard to put this event together. Thanks in particular go to the Retiree Activities Office, which organized the event, and the 95th Mission Support and Services Squadron, which is making identification card services available to these retirees. 

If you see one of our retirees this weekend, thank them for their service and make them feel welcome as they visit the base.

May is Asian Pacific American Heritage Month
During the month of May, Edwards celebrates Asian Pacific American Heritage Month.
National recognition for Asian Pacific Americans began in 1977 with legislation designating the first week of May as Asian Pacific American Heritage Week. In May 1990, President George H. W. Bush expanded the legislation to include the entire month. May was chosen because it coincides with the immigration of the first Japanese immigrants to the United States in 1843. 

At Edwards, we're celebrating with a luncheon on May 23 at the Stripes Lounge in the Oasis Community Center. I encourage you to attend the luncheon and learn about this rich, diverse culture in our community.

Beat the heat 

Now that May has arrived, the weather is getting warmer and warmer. With increased temperatures comes increased risk when working and playing outdoors, especially as we near the 101 Critical Days of Summer. However, some of this risk can easily be reduced through prior planning and preparation. 

If you generally prefer running outside in the middle of the day, consider changing to a morning run. The temperature is much cooler, and the risk of sunburn and heat exhaustion is greatly reduced. 

Do you enjoy taking the family to amusement parks? Be sure to generously apply sunscreen over all exposed areas of skin, and reapply it if the sunscreen is washed off. 

Finally, stay hydrated. Drink plenty of clear liquids if you plan to spend extended periods of time in the heat. Avoid alcohol and carbonated beverages, as they tend to dehydrate your body. 

The extreme summer heat is coming, but with a little prior planning, you can beat the heat.