Edwards releases wellness survey Published June 19, 2007 By Darrel Burns Sexual Assault Response Coordinator EDWARDS AIR FORCE BASE, Calif. -- The Wingman Wellness Survey has assisted senior leadership at Air Force Materiel Command in making significant decisions regarding the wellness of personnel in the AFMC. Locally, the data and comments from the last survey assisted with the implementation of several wellness promotions and programs for the Edwards community. During the last survey in November 2006, 2,440 members, which constitute 42.8 percent of the Edwards community, participated in the survey. Based on the responses and comments from those participants, the Four Dimensions of Wellness team was able to obtain a better understanding of how successful the Edwards community has been at promoting health and wellness activities. For example, 73 percent of participants stated they have been provided sufficient time and motivation by their supervisor or leadership to participate in wellness activities. Furthermore, 90 percent of participants stated that in the last 12 months, their work place has ensured that safety is a top priority. On the other hand, only 30 percent of participants stated they have had a discussion with their supervisor regarding the Four Dimensions of Wellness program. Because of this response, the 4DW team has developed and is implementing a plan of action to embed the 4DW philosophy into organizational planning and operations. The goal is to increase a wellness perspective at all levels of leadership and to better promote a wellness environment. The Wingman Wellness Survey is available on CenterNet until June 29. The survey is totally anonymous and voluntary and takes approximately 10 to 15 minutes to complete. You are strongly encouraged to participate in this survey and express your observations and suggestions to ensure that Edwards is a great place to live and work.