HAWC commemorates National Nutrition Month Published March 6, 2009 By Ann Wilkins 95th Aerospace Medicine Squadron EDWARDS AIR FORCE BASE, Calif. -- It's that time of year again when the New Year's resolution has been forgotten but thoughts of summer bathing suits and sunny vacations are motivating us to look our best and be our healthiest. This spring, Edwards Health and Wellness Center, the Rosburg Fitness Center and the Civilian Health Program are hosting the Team Lean Challenge, helping you to reach your weight and fitness goals with a team approach. The last day for weigh-ins was Feb. 27, but if you create an account on Air Force Materiel Command Wellness Program, you can still be involved and participate by logging your activity for a multitude of prizes from the AFMC Wellness Program. For those of you who did not get a chance to sign up for the TLC, it is not too late to run with the crowd and get healthy during National Nutrition Month. The month celebrates eating right with fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean meat and dairy products. For nutrition questions or goals you might have, you can stop at the HAWC, and as the dietitian, I will answer your questions and help you to reach your goals. The HAWC dietitian can provide several nutrition-related services including diet analysis for calorie, protein, carbohydrate and fat content, as well as provide you with an individual nutrition plan and counseling. To help you get started here are a few suggestions: 1. Try to get the most nutrition for your money. Go for nutrient-rich rather than "good" or "bad" foods, such as whole wheat flour rather than enriched wheat flour, fresh fruit rather than fruit roll ups. 2. Focus on variety. Eating foods from all the food groups will help you get the nutrients your body needs for healthy weight loss and fitness. Try eating a sweet potato instead of a white potato. 3. Know your fats. Look for foods low in saturated fat, trans fat, and cholesterol to help reduce your risk of heart disease. A healthier choice would be mono or poly-unsaturated fats. And most of all, don't forget to do at least 30 minutes of activity every day. For more information, visit www.afmcwellness.com.