A proud day for Marines

  • Published
  • By Marine Lt. Col. Christopher Keane
  • Medium Helicopter Squadron 764 Detachment A
I had the privilege and the honor of promoting a young private first class to lance corporal and reenlisting a sergeant major in the Marine Corps for his final time Oct. 3.

Born July 22, 1990, in the city of El Monte, Calif., Corporal Gutierrez went to Sierra Vista High School in Baldwin Park, Calif., and enlisted in the Los Angeles Marine Enlisted Processing Station on April 23, 2008. Corporal Gutierrez shipped out to Marine Corps Recruit Depot San Diego Jan. 13, 2009. After recruit training, the young private travelled to North Carolina for a few months to attend Personal Administration School.

"I gladly found out I was being stationed here at Edwards (during Personal Administration School)" said Corporal Gutierrez. "As of now the Marine Corps has treated me well and it's the best decision I could've made."

Corporal Gutierrez plans on going to school while at Edwards and taking advantage of the Post 9/11 GI Bill.

"For my next three years in the Marine Corps I aim to do my job correctly and learn new things from my NCOs and Staff NCOs," he added. "Where I see myself in the future is currently unknown, hopefully in school studying history and hiking big mountains."

There are certainly big mountains for him to climb while he is here at Edwards both on and off base.

Sgt. Maj. Charles Dillree was born July 5, 1961, in La Mesa, Calif. After graduating from El Capitan High School, he enlisted in the Marine Corps on June 12, 1982. Upon completion of recruit training Sergeant Major Dillree reported to Fort Sill, OK, for Field Artillery Fire Direction School.

Looking back over his more than 26 years of service, Sgt. Maj. Dillree looked back at some of the experience's he's been offered through the Marine Corps.

"I have served in every clime and place; attached to all four Marine Infantry Divisions, 1st Marine Brigade, Landing Force Training Command Pacific, Marine Security Guard Detachments Yaoundé, and Panama City, Headquarters Marine Corps, and Joint Chiefs of Staff," he said. "I was embarked with the 31st and 11th Marine Expeditionary Units, conducting amphibious training throughout the South Pacific, Horn of Africa, Indian Ocean and the Persian Gulf, and have walked the battlefields of Iwo Jima, Wake Island and Okinawa."

Sgt. Maj. Dillree assumed his duties as the MAG-41 Detachment Alpha Sergeant Major Aug. 4, 2008.

When asked what Sgt.Maj. Dillree's greatest experience in the Marine Corps was, he said he has enjoyed many lifetime experiences while wearing this uniform but the pinnacle for him was serving as Battalion Sergeant Major for 1st Bn 5th Marines.
Sgt. Maj. Dillree said he has many goals to attain while he's stationed here.

"(While here I would like to) Serve the Marines of HMM-764 and Det A to the best of my abilities, by working closely with senior enlisted leaders on base as we continue improving the quality of life for our Marines and Airmen."

Sgt. Maj. Dillree said that he likes various aspects of being assigned to Edwards.

"The special relationships that I have established since arriving here last summer; the day-to-day (relationship) with my boss Lt. Col. Christopher Keane is special; my 10 minutes of fame with Col. Gandy who is one of a kind; Command Chiefs Eric Jaren and Mark Brejcha and all of the senior enlisted leaders; everyone is a true professional, and of course the rest of Team Edwards who do the thousands of unmentioned things that make working here enjoyable ... also being home every night is really nice too."

It should be no wonder to anyone why it was my distinct honor and privilege to have been a part of both of these Marines careers on this very special day.