Edwards Air Force Base -- It was a great honor and privilege to announce our 412th Test Wing Annual Award Winners. Please join me in congratulating them when you see them in-person or virtually!!!
If you missed the live broadcast where we bragged on these amazing Americans to the world and would like to watch it, please use the following links to access it: HTTPS://www.Facebook.com/edwardsairforcebase/live and https://www.Edwards.af.mil/live-video
Airman of the Year
- SSgt Damon Zerby* - 412 CEG
NCO of the Year
- TSgt Tiras Cunningham* - 412 TW
SNCO of the Year
- MSgt Chad Hardesty* - 412 MSG
First Sergeant of the Year
- MSgt Raymond Billups* - 412 MSG
CGO of the Year
- Capt Daniel Parsons* - 412 MSG
FGO of the Year
- Maj Anthony Mirabile* - 412 OG
Honor Guard Program Manager of the Year
- SSgt Mutia Graham - 412 MSG
Honor Guard Guardsman of the Year
- SrA Jordan Bullock - 412 MSG
IMA CGO of the Year
- Capt Michael Lough - 412 TW/JA
IMA FGO of the Year
- Lt Col Richella Hope Gayden - 412 MXG
IMA SNCO of the Year
- MSgt Colby Bostwick - 412 MXG
Supervision/Management of the Year
Scientific/Engineering of the Year
- Benjamin Stolte* - 412 OG
Staff/Technician of the Year
- Alexander Ybarra - 412 MDG
Trades & Labor of the Year
- William Plumstead* - 412 MXG
Administration/CSS of the Year
Specialist/Analyst of the Year
Program Manager of the Year
Team of the Year
- Weapons Standardization - 412 MXG
Test Team of the Year
- F-35 Mission Systems Test Team - 461 FLTS
Innovator of the Year
- Maj Elliot Erstein - 412 OG
Innovation Team of the Year
- ET CTF Test Team - 412 TENG
Key Spouse of the Year
- Ms Kelsie Perez* - 412 MXG
For the Warfighter of the Year
- Maj Frank Panebianco - 412 OG
Volunteer of the Year
- Lt Col Richard Baird - 412 MDG
*competing at AFTC next – best of luck!
I charged you all to “Compete!” and you did so in impressive manner. Well Done.
Brigadier General, USAF
Commander, 412th Test Wing (AFMC)