Edwards' Weekly Newsletter | Feb. 11

Quality of life survey (See "Notices" section)
New Civil Air Patrol unit coming to Edwards (See "
Notices" section)
South gate and Visitor Control Center to close in observation of upcoming holiday. (See "
Road and Gate Closures" section)
Residential households in the U.S. are eligible for another order of four free COVID-19 tests.

Skip to: Our People | Law and OrderRoad and Gate ClosuresEvents | Chapel Corner | Notices | This Week in History | Vanpools 
Please submit content via email or through the portal.



  • Cyber Security Month: Detecting the Undetected

    Phishing attacks and scams have thrived since the COVID pandemic began in 2020 and today, phishing attacks account for more than 80 percent of reported security incidents. It's important to be wary of emails, text messages or chat boxes that come from a stranger or someone you were not expecting.



Expand List item 5627Collapse List item 5627  California Assemblyman Tom Lackey visits Edwards Jan. 31.

California Assemblyman Tom Lackey, representing the state’s 34th district, tours Edwards Jan. 31. During the in-depth base orientation, he received briefings on wing and tenant missions, including local medical care, housing, base school and education programs, the Joint Simulation Environment, Test Pilot School, and F-35 Lightning test programs. The 34th district covers nearly 18, 300 square miles, east-west from the state line to Gorman and north-south from the northern Mojave to Big Bear Lake. Pictured with the assemblyman are, from left to right, top to bottom: Staff Sgt. Samantha Newfrock, 412th Security Forces Squadron; Michael Kirkley, Desert Junior-Senior High School teacher; Rebecca Balkenbush, 412th Mission Support Group; Trevor Walker, Muroc Joint Unified School District assistant superintendent; John Grandy, 412th Test Wing Plans and Programs; Senior Master Sgt. Brian Pettaway, 412th TW Command Action Group; Samantha Duchscherer, STARBASE director; Col. James Valpiani, TPS commander; and David Vanhoy, TPS technical director. (Photos by Mike Paoli)

Expand List item 5713Collapse List item 5713  LA needs help
REACT: Relief effort aiding communities through TCOTATU

• Edwards AFB Commissary and Edwards AFB Exchange 
• Edwards AFB main medical clinic lobby and flight medical annex lobby
• NASA Armstrong Flight Research cafeteria 
• South Base visitor center
• Edwards AFB schools (Bailey, Branch and Desert)
• Clothing: new socks, new underwear, t-shirts, pants, shoes, sport bras
• Hygiene items: new toothbrushes new toothpaste, new soap, shampoo, toilet paper, deodorant, diapers (all sizes), wipes, paper towels, large trash bags, new feminine supplies, disposable razors
• Food: ready-to-eat meals, non-perishables, canned goods, wrapped snacks, energy bars, to-go boxes/cups, dog food, cat food, cat litter
• Comfort: sleeping bags, pillows, towels, bedsheets, bedding/blankets, air mattresses 
• School supplies: backpacks, lunchboxes, pens, pencils, colored pencils, erasers, binders, notebooks, markers, scissors, crayons, lined paper

Expand List item 5712Collapse List item 5712  Voices of Edwards
Question of the week: What is your favorite gateway?

Jose Higuera
Civil Engineer Group contractor

"My favorite gateway is the Eastern Sierras, where I can camp and fish at my secret seclusive spot."

Litia Wilson
Force Support Squadron

"I enjoy eating and chilling out at restaurants in San Diego, especially a creole place and a Mexican in old town."

Bobby Mumma
31 Test Engineering Squadron

"I enjoy visiting family and friends in Oceanside. It has the perfect weather."




Expand List item 4221Collapse List item 4221  The Office of the Staff Judge Advocate 🧑‍⚖️ Download the latest Report, April 2024

The Office of the Staff Judge Advocate provides high-quality legal advice and support in the areas of civil law, contract law, labor law, environmental law, claims, and military justice for courts-martial and non-judicial punishment actions. The office also provides legal assistance to individual military members, retirees and family members on personal, non-criminal legal matters. Visit the JA webpage

Expand List item 4222Collapse List item 4222  CITATIONS (click + to expand text)

The following magistrate court citations were closed out during the first quarter of 2024: 

• 84 civilians were cited for speeding. They received an average fine of $250.
• 18 civilians were cited for not having proof of insurance or registration. They received an average fine of $305.
• Six civilians were cited for not having their drivers’ licenses in possession. They received an average fine of $242. 
• Seven civilians were cited for failure to stop. They received an average fine of $171. 
• Five civilians were cited for not having a child restraint for a child under 8 years old. They received an average fine of $405.
• Four civilians were cited for possession of a controlled substance. They received an average fine of $430.
• Two civilians were cited for trespassing. They received an average fine of $3,500.
• Two civilians were cited for having an open container of alcohol while driving. They received an average fine of $405. 
• Two civilians were cited for driving without wearing a seatbelt. They received an average fine of $405.
• A civilian was cited for cellphone use while driving. They were fined $238. 
• A civilian was cited for having no license plate on the vehicle. They were fined $133.
• A civilian was cited for allowing a minor to drive. They were fined $268.
• A civilian was cited for driving recklessly. They were fined $171.

Expand List item 4223Collapse List item 4223  NONJUDICIAL PUNISHMENT (click + to expand text)

Nonjudicial punishment (NJP) (also referred to as an Article 15, in reference to the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ) which authorizes the action) is a tool that provides commanders with an essential and swift means of maintaining good order and discipline. A member must accept NJP as a forum for allegations of misconduct or demand trial by court-martial once NJP is offered by a commander. NJP is designed to promote behavioral changes in service members without the stigma that comes with a criminal conviction at trial. NJP lies between a Letter of Reprimand and a court-martial on the spectrum of the continuum of discipline, whose ultimate goal is to promote rehabilitation in service members to encourage them to adhere to standards.

The following NJPs were effectuated at Edwards AFB during the first quarter of 2024:

• A Staff Sergeant (E-5) assigned to 412 AMXS committed abusive sexual contact in violation of Article 120, UCMJ (Abusive Sexual Contact). The member received a reduction to the grade of Senior Airman (E-4) and a reprimand.
• A First Lieutenant (O-2) assigned to 412 HCOS engaged in an unprofessional relationship and fraternization, failed to obey orders, and lied to investigators in violation of Articles 92 (Failure to Obey, Dereliction of Duty), 107 (False Official Statement), and Article 134 (Fraternization), UCMJ. The member was punished with forfeiture of $2,386.00 pay per month for two months and a reprimand.
• A Technical Sergeant (E-6) assigned to 412 HCOS engaged in an unprofessional relationship, failed to obey orders, and was derelict in their duties in violation of Article 92 (Failure to Obey, Dereliction of Duty), UCMJ. The member was punished with a reduction to the grade of Staff Sergeant (E-5), forfeiture of $1,829.00 pay, suspended, and a reprimand.
• A Senior Airman (E-4) assigned to 412 HCOS used THC-9 in violation of Article 112b (Wrongful Use of a Controlled Substance), UCMJ. The member was punished with a reduction to the grade of Airman First Class (E-3) and a reprimand.
• An Airman First Class (E-3) assigned to 412 OMRS altered their military ID card by changing the date of birth in violation of Article 105a, UCMJ (False or Unauthorized Pass). The member was punished with a reduction to the grade of Airman (E-2) and a reprimand.
• A Senior Airman (E-4) assigned to 412 SFS was absent from duty numerous times and lied about going to numerous medical appointments in violation of Articles 86 (AWOL) and Article 107 (False Official Statement), UCMJ. The member was punished with a reduction to the grade of Airman Basic (E-1), forfeiture of $1,008.00 pay, suspended, and a reprimand.

Expand List item 4224Collapse List item 4224  ADMINISTRATIVE DISCHARGES (click + to expand text)

Involuntarily discharging a service member from the United States Air Force may be an appropriate action for a commander or civilian director to take when a member has demonstrated an inability to meet Air Force standards. Common basis for discharge include, but are not limited to: drug abuse, sexual assault, a civilian court conviction, or a series of minor misconduct. Discharges can result in one of three service characterizations: honorable, under honorable conditions (general), and under other than honorable conditions.

The following discharge action was completed during the first quarter of 2024:

• A Senior Airman (E-4) assigned to 412 AMXS was involuntarily discharged for sexual assault. The member received an under other than honorable (UOTHC) service characterization.
• A Senior Airman (E-4) assigned to 812 CES was involuntarily discharged for a Condition that Interfered with Military Service (Adjustment Disorder). The member received an honorable service characterization.
• An Airmen First Class (E-2) assigned to 412 OSS was involuntarily discharged for Conditions that Interfered with Military Service (Adjustment Disorder). The members received honorable service characterization.



Expand List item 5661Collapse List item 5661  The South gate and Visitor Control Center will be closed in observation of Washington’s Birthday and Family Day. 

In observation of Washington’s Birthday and the associated AFMC Family Day, South Gate hours of operation will change to:
•    Thursday, Feb. 13: closed at 9 p.m.
•    Friday, Feb. 14: opened only 6:30-8:30 a.m. and 3:30-5:30 p.m.
•    Saturday-Monday, Feb. 15-17: closed
•    Tuesday, Feb. 18: opened at 5 a.m.
North and West Gates will remain open 24/7 during this period.
The Visitor Control Center will be closed Friday-Monday, Feb. 14-17 and will resume normal business operations at 7 a.m. on Tuesday, Feb. 18.
Office of Personnel Management, Federal Holidays webpage 

Expand List item 4115Collapse List item 4115  Repaving Project (beginning Monday, April 29) 

The repaving project will transition to lane restriping during daylight hours prior to 3:30 daily beginning approximately April 29. This will also result in moving lane closures that may cause temporary traffic stoppage.

Drivers should anticipate significant traffic delays on Rosamond Blvd. throughout the length of the repaving project, which Kern County officials expect to last through the end of May or early June.

Look to The Tower for updates on future phases of the road project.

For more information, please contact the Public Affairs Office at 661-277-3510.

Expand List item 4132Collapse List item 4132  Caltrans reminds drivers to “Be Work Zone Alert” and to “Move Over” 

WHAT: The California Department of Transportation (Caltrans) has schedule Lane Closures on the northbound and southbound Antelope Valley Freeway (SR-14) between Technology Drive in Palmdale and Avenue A in Lancaster, closing up to three lanes. Northbound SR-14 has two lanes open (one lane (#1) on the Southbound side and one lane (#2) on the Northbound side) for the Crossover from Avenue H to Avenue A.  There are Long Term Closures of Northbound On- & Off-ramps at Avenues G & F, Avenue D On-ramp & Avenue A Off-ramp. The City of Lancaster has temporary closures of Southbound Avenue J off-ramp and Northbound 20th Street West off-ramp until late February. Avenue M northbound ramps are CLOSED until April 28, 2025.
and improve ride quality.
WHEN: Currently, construction work is on-going Monday through Thursday, 7 p.m. to 6 a.m. and Friday through Saturday, 9 p.m. to 7 a.m. to minimize traffic impacts.
Monday-Thursday, Feb. 10-13, 7 p.m. - 6 a.m. 
Full Freeway Closure: Northbound SR-14 Avenue S - Avenue N
Thursday, Nov. 21 – Early August 2025
Southbound SR-14 Crossover from Avenue H – Avenue A  

Expand List item 4112Collapse List item 4112  Base Gate Operating Hours 

North gate: open 24/7
West gate: open 24/7
South gate: 
South Gate will be closed in observation of federal holidays, designated Family Days and associated weekends.
Special hours will be announced in the event of road closures due to construction or improvement projects.

Monday 5 a.m.  n/a
Tuesday 24/7
Wednesday 24/7
Thursday 24/7
Friday n/a 9 p.m.
Saturday 5 a.m. 9 p.m. 
Sunday 5 a.m.  9 p.m. 



Expand List item 5690Collapse List item 5690  Nerdy Tuesdays

WHEN: Tuesdays, Feb. 11, 28, 25, 4:30-6:30 p.m.
Feb. 4 - Tabletop RPGs
Feb. 11 – Romantasy Lovers Hangout
Feb. 18 – Pokémon Day
Feb. 25 – Lego Building
WHERE: Edwards Library
WHO: Ages 18+

Expand List item 5672Collapse List item 5672  Smartphone Trivia

WHEN: Tuesdays, Feb. 11 and 25, March 11 and 25, 6-8 p.m.
WHERE: Club Muroc
WHAT: Use your phone to answer questions on various topics and compete for FSS gift cards. It's a fast-paced, fun challenge for everyone. 

Expand List item 5704Collapse List item 5704  Education and Training Center Open House

WHO: This event is an opportunity for anyone seeking guidance on their education and professional development, whether they are exploring civilian or military education options. 
WHEN: Thursday, Feb. 13, 10 a.m. - noon 
WHERE: Education and Training Center, 140 Methusa Rd. Bldg. 2453 Room 110, Edwards AFB
CONTACT: Litia Wilson at 661-277-0262

Expand List item 5706Collapse List item 5706  “Be My Valentine” balloon delivery

Surprise your special someone with a beautiful, hand-picked arrangement of Valentine’s Day balloons. Come to Arts & Crafts to pre-purchase yours today!
WHEN: Thursday, Feb. 13, all day

Expand List item 5698Collapse List item 5698  Valentine's Day Golf

WHEN: Friday, Feb. 14; Golf at 4 p.m.; Mediterranean dinner with a glass of wine at 6 p.m.
WHERE: Muroc Lake Golf Course
COST: $70 per couple, includes golf, cart, green fee, dinner and a glass of wine per person
WHO: Limited to the first 12 who sign up
FORMAT: two players scramble (not limited to couples), nine holes of golf 

Expand List item 4493Collapse List item 4493  Club Cash Fridays featuring our progressive Jackpot 💰💰💰

WHO: FSS Insiders
WHEN: Every Friday
UPCOMING: Friday, Feb. 14
WHERE: Club Muroc
WHAT: FSS Insiders will receive a ticket for a chance to win $25. All FSS Insiders are then entered into a drawing for $100. If the selected winner is not present, the jackpot rolls over to the next week at an increase of $50 until the winnings are claimed.

Expand List item 5664Collapse List item 5664  Camping in Death Valley

WHEN: Friday-Sunday, Feb. 14-16
WHAT: Join us for a weekend camping adventure in the stunning Death Valley National Park. We will provide all the equipment, campground fees, and transportation. Escape into the desert's beauty, unwind under the stars, and enjoy the unique landscape with us. 
SIGNUP: by Feb. 7
COST: $375

Expand List item 5611Collapse List item 5611  Annual DRMO Day

WHAT: This is a great time to turn in excess IT assets, such as desktops, laptops, and tablets past their four-year lifecycle. Space is limited! No pickup will be available. All who are dropping off IT assets that are accountable and unaccountable need forms 5939’s with the correct account number and PC signature.
WHERE: 412 CS IT Warehouse, Bldg. 3930 45 North Wolf Ave.
WHEN: Thursday, Feb. 20,  8 a.m. - 2 p.m.
CONTACT: Asset Management at 7-3107 or visit https://usaf.dps.mil/sites/21658/slm/BSLM/SitePages/DRMO-Day.aspx for more information. 

Expand List item 4486Collapse List item 4486  Coffee or Tea ☕ with AFTC Personnel Directorate (DP)

WHAT: Monthly forums with supervisors of civilians 
WHEN: Third Thursday of the month, 10-10:30 a.m. 
CONTACT: AFTC.Enterprise.Recruiting@us.af.mil
HOW: Join Microsoft Teams Meeting
Conference ID: 408 416 887#
Call 410-874-6740 to join audio only. 

Expand List item 5668Collapse List item 5668  🏆 412th Test Wing Annual Awards Ceremony 🏅

WHO: Nominees and 4 additional guests each! The Ceremony will be livestreamed.
WATCH LIVE (Feb. 21): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sMWmcBJUUf8
WHEN: Friday, Feb. 21 
Medallion Ceremony: 12:30 - 2 p.m.
Social/Lunch Hour: 2-3 p.m. 
Awards Ceremony: 3-4:30 p.m. 
WHERE: Hangar 1600
WHY: To honor all of Edwards Top Performers hard work! 

Expand List item 5594Collapse List item 5594  Lunch-Hour Tournaments

WHEN: Fridays, 11:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.
Jan. 10: Ping Pong
Feb. 21: Billiards
March 14: Foosball
WHERE: Oasis Community Center
WHAT: Tournaments are double elimination with fewer of 10 entries or single elimination with 10 or more. Fun prizes and bragging rights await! ​Join for a chance to win a $25 FSS gift card

Expand List item 5697Collapse List item 5697  Karaoke

Grab the mic and let your voice shine! Whether you are a pro or just singing for fun, it's your time to hit the stage. Great music, good vibes, and unforgettable moments await - don't miss out!
WHEN: Fridays, Feb. 21, March 7, March 21 at 6 p.m. 
WHERE: Club Muroc 

Expand List item 5659Collapse List item 5659  Red Rock Canyon Hike

WHEN: Saturday, Feb. 22
COST: $10. Transportation included.
SIGNUP: by Feb. 13
WHAT: Explore the breathtaking trails of Red Rock Canyon State Park! Enjoy stunning rock formations and vibrant desert landscapes on this guided day hike.

Expand List item 5710Collapse List item 5710  FREE Antelope Valley Aviation History Symposium 

WHAT: Come hear stories of aviation history
WHO: You do NOT have to be a member of any of the participating organizations to attend the event. 
WHEN: Saturday, Feb. 22, 11 a.m. - 4 p.m. 
WHERE: Antelope Valley College, Yoshida Hall, Room 208
3041 West Avenue K, Lancaster CA (Closest Parking in Lot B2)
11 a.m.: Kevin Rusnak (Presenting via Zoom) - Foundry to Flight Test - The Origins of Air Force Research, Development, and Testing at McCook Field, 1917-1927
Noon: Lunch
1 p.m.: Steve Sterk - Sterk Ranch Airfield Unconventional Flight Test
2 p.m.: Martin Krammer - History of WSL Supporting Aircraft Survivability LFT&E
3 p.m.: Dr. Christopher Viney - Limits of Aircraft Size:  Materials, Facilities, Logistics, Charlemagne, and Napoleon
COST: Admission is free.  Food and assorted beverages will also be available at no charge.
RSVP: Please reply to aiaa.av@gmail.com by Feb. 20 (Limit 80 Seats).  Parking passes will be needed and supplied to all RSVPs
*** This event is not endorsed by a federal entity ***

Expand List item 5705Collapse List item 5705  College Admissions Day

Explore various offerings, including scholarships, degree programs, transfer evaluations, cost attendance and more, from our on-base schools! Snacks, refreshments and swags will be available. 
WHEN: Thursday, Feb. 27, 11 a.m. - 2 p.m. 
WHERE: Education and Training Center, 140 Methusa Rd. Bldg. 2453 Room 110, Edwards AFB
CONTACT: Litia Wilson at 661-277-0262

Expand List item 4328Collapse List item 4328  Final Fridays with the Chiefs 

WHAT: Open discussions, real talk, real insight
WHY: The Chiefs are here to guide you!
WHEN: Last Friday of each month, 3-4:30 p.m. 
UPCOMING = Friday, Feb. 28, 3-4:30 p.m. 
WHERE: Club Muroc 
WHO: Team Edwards. We encourage anyone to attend and engage in open discussions, real talk, and real insights.

Expand List item 5623Collapse List item 5623   Texas Hold'em 

WHEN: Friday, Feb. 28, March 28. Doors open at 5:30 p.m. Game starts at 6 p.m.
COST: $25 ($20 for FSS Insiders)
WHAT: Test your skills and strategize to win as stakes rise every 20 minutes. Enjoy appetizers and compete for a cash prize - the bigger the crowd, the bigger the payout. 

Expand List item 5703Collapse List item 5703  Edwards AFB Weapons Standardization Annual Load Competition 

Who will be crowned the best load crew? ​Come out to support your Falcon, Raptor, and Lightning load crews as they compete for the Load Competition Heavyweight Belt! Please bring hearing protection if you have had it issued if not, hearing protection will be provided. 
WHEN: Friday, Feb. 28 at noon
WHERE: Hangar 1830
CONTACT: Weapons Standardization at 7-4895 

Expand List item 5582Collapse List item 5582  Oil Change Workshop

WHEN: Saturday, March 1, noon-2 p.m. 
WHERE: Auto Hobby
COST: $10. Participants must bring their own oil and filter. 
WHAT: Take control of your vehicle's maintenance with this workshop. Develop practical skills and gain confidence in performing oil changes and using a 2-post lifting like a pro! 

Expand List item 5615Collapse List item 5615  Skiing at Mammoth 

WHAT: Hit the slopes with a thrilling day to Mammoth Mountain! Enjoy skiing or snowboarding with transportation, lift tickets, and all gear - ski or snowboard, poles and boots - included. 
WHEN: Saturday, March 1
COST: $250 
SIGNUP: by Jan. 31 or Feb. 21

Expand List item 5692Collapse List item 5692  Two-Day Blood Drive

WHO: Anyone in good health should donate now to give their blood type to someone who needs it.
INCENTIVE: Donors also learn if they have special blood for newborn babies or sickle cell patients
WHEN: Tuesday-Wednesday, March 4-5, 9 a.m. - 3 p.m.
WHERE: Oasis Center, 205 W. Popson Ave. Bldg. 2500
SIGN UP: www.redcrossblood.org or 800-REDCROSS (sponsor code: oasis)
CONTACT: Bob Woodall, Red Cross 661-477-9138 

Expand List item 5660Collapse List item 5660   Paint & Wine

WHEN: Friday, March 7, 7 - 9 p.m.
WHERE: Club Muroc
COST: $30 for all supplies and one glass of wine
Classes include all supplies, one 16”x20” canvas, easel, brushes, paints, and live step by step instruction. Your first glass of wine is included, and additional food and beverages will be available for purchase through the club.
RESERVATION: Space is limited; reserve you seat early. 

Expand List item 4332Collapse List item 4332  First Fridays

WHAT: Sip, socialize and let the good vibes flow. FREE appetizers for FSS Insiders. Progressive drawing (must be present to win). 
WHEN: Friday, March 7, 4:30-6:30 p.m.
WHERE: Club Muroc 

Expand List item 4475Collapse List item 4475  Parents’ Night Out + Give Parents a Break

WHEN: Friday, March 7, 6:30-10:30 p.m.
PRICE: $32 per child or free with a Give Parents a Break Voucher
SIGNUP: Register in the CYPBMS Parent Portal
WHO: Care will be provided for ages 6 months to 5 years old at the CDC, and ages 5-12 years old at the SAC. There is no requirement to be enrolled in Edwards Child & Youth Programs to utilize Parents’ Night Out or Give Parents a Break.

Expand List item 5618Collapse List item 5618  Scrapbooking Session

WHEN: Saturday, March 22, 12-2- p.m.
WHERE: Base Library
WHAT: Bring in your scrapbooks and use our materials to work on projects!

Expand List item 5711Collapse List item 5711  MARCH 26 --- California Transition Assistance Program (CalTAP) Benefits Overview

Are you preparing to separate or retire from the military? You may have questions about your earned benefits and other services available to you as a veteran in the state of California.
WHEN: Wednesday, March 26, 8 a.m. - noon
WHERE: M&FRC, Bldg. 5620, 90 Farrell Dr., Edwards AFB
WHO: This briefing is open to all service members, veterans, and their family members
CONTACT: 1-800-952-5626 or email CalTAP@calvet.ca.gov
REGISTER: 661-277-0723 or 412fss.fsfr.afrc@us.af.mil 
*** This event is not endorsed by a federal entity ***



Expand List item 3683Collapse List item 3683  🔁 Religious Education 

Mass AFRL | 2nd Wednesday at noon
Higher Ground Cafe | 3rd Wednesday at 5 p.m. 
Bible Study | Men: Sundays at noon | Dorm: Thursdays at 5:30 p.m. | Women: Wednesdays at 5:30 p.m. Chapel 2 Annex
Adoration Blessed Sacrament | 1st Wednesday at 5 p.m. Chapel 2
Religious Education | Sundays at 10:30 a.m. 

Bible Study Groups | Contact 412TW.HC.Workflow@us.af.mil

Fridays 12:30-2:30 p.m. at Chapel 1, Rooms 3 & 4 | Contact maitham.dakheel@us.af.mil

3rd Saturday 4:30-5 p.m. at Chapel 2 Conference Room | Contact Ms. Dianna Kassing at 661-277-5415 

Please contact the Main Chapel Office at 661-277-2110

Expand List item 3684Collapse List item 3684  🔁 Worship Services

Sundays at 10 a.m. 

Mass | Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays at 11:30 a.m. | Sundays at 9 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. 
Confessions (Room 5) | Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays 8:30-10:30 a.m. and 1:30-2:30 p.m. or by appointment



Expand List item 5709Collapse List item 5709  ✈️ Interested in joining a new Civil Air Patrol unit at Edwards?
Age groups: Cadet 12-18; Flight officer 18-21; Senior member 21+

CAP is interested in building a fully functional unit at Edwards with at least 15 members. The weekly squadron meetings will be held after work/school hours. If interested in joining for yourself or someone else, please respond to this short survey. 
LINK: https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=TPVqpE0RbE--kJE8D1TiTLr9w7v2z-FOoZda6bpGv-pUOUVGRVkwMlZUMEJKWVNIS09OSk43UVlMVy4u 
► Civil Air Patrol (CAP) Open House
WHEN: Thursday, March 6, 4-5 p.m. 

Expand List item 5708Collapse List item 5708  ✈️ Quality of life survey

Help the Squirrel Team 6 collect data to propose new quality-of-life programs at Edwards by responding to this short survey. 
LINK: https://usaf.dps.mil/teams/EdwardsVanguardQualityOfLifeSurvey/Lists/Survey/NewForm.aspx

Expand List item 5701Collapse List item 5701  ✈️ EXERCISE • EXERCISE • EXERCISE
Be ready: Feb. 10-14

The 412th Test Wing will conduct a Major Accident Response Exercise (MARE). MARE will be a one-day, full-scale exercise at an undisclosed date between Feb. 10-14. All personnel should prepare to adhere to directives disseminated via the Emergency Mass Notification System (Giant Voice and/or At Hoc messages). At a minimum, this could entail response procedures, personnel accountability, and movements from Disaster Response Forces. Additionally, if directed to temporarily close installation gates, Security Forces will close gates for no longer than five minutes to demonstrate capability. 

Expand List item 5707Collapse List item 5707  ✈️ 412th Logistics Readiness Squadron offices closures associated with the upcoming holiday 

The following 412th Logistics Readiness Squadron offices will be closed or minimally manned in observance of the upcoming AFMC Family Day, Feb. 14. Please use the phone numbers provided for urgent requirements.
Cargo/Freight – Minimally manned - 661-810-6810
Household Goods/PAX Travel – Closed – 661-810-8819
Ground Transportation – Minimally manned – 661-341-0391
Logistics Plans – Minimally manned - 661-341-6312
Vehicle Management – Closed – 661-810-8771  

Expand List item 5666Collapse List item 5666  ✈️ High Desert Lanes: Breakfast + Daily Lunch Specials 🍴🍴🍴

► Lunch specials: weekdays, 10:30 a.m. – 2 p.m.
Monday – Cobb Salad with drink: $16.50
Tuesday – Tempura Chicken with fries and drink: $12.00
Wednesday – Chicken, Shrimp, and Sausage Gumbo with drink: $10.95
Thursday – Build-a-Burger with fries and drink: $12.50
Friday – Tuna Melt with fries and drink: $12.00
► Breakfast: weekdays, 7-10 a.m. 
Kickstart your day with a hearty breakfast bowl, Loco Moco, croissant breakfast sandwich, or breakfast pizza - the perfect way to fuel up!
For more information, call 275-BOWL.

Expand List item 5702Collapse List item 5702   ✈️ Benefits while on administrative leave (Fork in the Road)

On Jan. 28, the U.S. Office of Personnel Management released a notice to all federal employees, subject Fork in the Road, resulting in questions related to administrative leave. Administrative leave is a type of absence from duty that allows employees to take time off without charge to their annual or sick leave and without loss of pay. While on administrative leave, employees may have questions about how their benefits and leave accruals are affected. 

Accruing Leave and Making Benefit Elections While on Administrative Leave
Employees on administrative leave will continue to accrue leave, including sick leave and annual leave. Additionally, employees can make benefit elections, including participating in open season or making qualifying life events, while on administrative leave. This means employees will not experience any disruption to their benefits or leave accruals while on administrative leave.

Benefits During Administrative Leave
Employees will continue receiving all their "normal" benefits, as if they are still working. This includes all benefits the employee was receiving prior to being placed on administrative leave.

What Happens to Benefits When Resignation Action is Processed?
When an employee's resignation action is processed, their benefits are affected in various ways. The following sections outline what happens to each benefit:
► Federal Employees Health Benefits (FEHB): Coverage terminates on the last day of the pay period in which the separation is effective. However, employees are eligible for an automatic 31-day extension of coverage at no cost. During this time, employees may convert to a non-group contract or apply for Temporary Continuation of Coverage (TCC), which provides the same coverage as FEHB but with an 18-month enrollment time limit.
► Federal Employees Group Life Insurance (FEGLI): Coverage automatically terminates effective the date of separation from Federal employment. However, employees are eligible for an automatic 31-day extension of coverage, except accidental death and dismemberment, at no cost. During this time, employees may convert all or part of their Basic and Optional Insurance to an individual policy.
► Federal Employees Dental and Vision Insurance Program (FEDVIP): Coverage terminates immediately upon separation, and no extensions or continuation of coverage are available.
► Federal Flexible Spending Account (FSAFEDS): Participation terminates upon separation, and claims may be submitted for eligible expenses incurred prior to separation. Any unused funds in a flexible spending account are forfeited.
► Retirement Contributions: Employees who separate with at least 5 years of creditable civilian service may be entitled to a deferred annuity. Eligible former employees may apply for deferred retirement through the Office of Personnel Management at age 62 or upon reaching eligibility under a voluntary retirement. Employees who separate may elect to refund their retirement contributions but will not be eligible for a deferred annuity if they do so.
► Thrift Savings Plan (TSP): Separated employees may leave their contributions in the TSP account to continue accruing earnings. Withdrawals may be subject to an early withdrawal penalty if made before age 55 or 59 ½. Employees may roll TSP contributions into an eligible retirement account or wait until age 59 ½ to withdraw funds.
► Final Standard Form 50: Separated employees may contact the Total Force Service Center (TFSC) to obtain a copy of their separation Standard Form (SF) 50. The electronic Official Personnel Folder is transferred to the National Personnel Records Center (NPRC) after separation.
► Leave: Separated employees will receive a lump sum payment for any unused annual leave remaining at separation. No payment is made for sick leave, but employees who return to work for the Federal Government are entitled to the recredit of their sick leave.

Additional information, guidance, and forms can be found within myFSS. It is recommended that DAF members considering separation, submit for separation counseling at the myFSS page, Civilian Employee Benefits When Separating. Counseling is not available to NAF and non-DAF civilian employees. 

Expand List item 5700Collapse List item 5700   ✈️ Bldg. 1400 to be demolished

On Thursday, Feb. 13, the 412th Civil Engineer Group will start the installation of a fence around Bldg. 1400 in preparation of the demolition of the facility. The entire demolition process should be completed by Wednesday, April 30. No roads are expected to be closed; however, drivers should use caution when driving in the area. Jorge “George” Martinez, Project Manager, is available to answer questions at 275-5475.

Expand List item 5699Collapse List item 5699   ✈️ Watch out: new all-way stop sign near the Child Development Center 

The 412th Civil Engineer Structures shop implemented a new traffic pattern, replacing two yield signs with new illuminated stop signs located in the intersection of Fitz-Gerald Blvd. and Doolittle Pkwy. / Chamberlin Loop, the weekend of Feb. 8. Digital signs will be placed to notify drivers of the new traffic pattern, and defenders may be on site to ensure drivers are adhering to the new pattern.

Expand List item 4235Collapse List item 4235  ✈️ EXCHANGE promotions and savings 

MILITARY STAR® --- Do you shop at the BX? Eat at the Edwards Air Force Base Exchange food court? Fill up at the Express? Order from ShopMyExchange.com? If you’re not using your MILITARY STAR card when you shop, you’re missing out on rewards. Earn two points for every $1 you spend with your card, including at the commissary, mall vendors and more. https://aafes.media/MilStarPA 

Expand List item 5681Collapse List item 5681  ✈️ Base Records Management

Still have paper records? Need a scanner to digitize all the paper records? Then come to 412 CS/SCOK (Base Knowledge Operations) office BLDG 3502 where we have two high speed scanners capable of scanning 500 pages per minute! YES! 500 pages PER MINUTE. Per OMB 19-21 Transition to Electronic Records, all records must be digitized. Contact Ms. Arlene Smith at  arlene.smith.3@us.af.mil and Mr. Jesus Renteria at jesus.renteria@us.af.mil to  schedule a time and date.

Expand List item 5688Collapse List item 5688  ✈️ Become a Honor Flight Kern County Guardian
HFKC is looking for active-duty military to serve as Guardians for local Veterans.

HFKC relies on the generous support and assistance of our Guardians who help to ensure that every veteran has a safe and memorable experience in Washington DC and after the flight. 

Guardians duties include, but are not limited to physically assisting the veterans while walking or pushing transport chairs, throughout the airports and airplane flights, as well as at the hotel and memorials. Each Guardian pays their own fee of $1,200 (subject to change) which includes all travel expenses of airfare, hotel, meals, tour buses & tips, admission fees, as well as three RED HFKC shirts, overnight & snack bags. Souvenir purchases are not included. Guardian fee payment is due 14 days prior to flight or at Meet & Greet, whichever occurs earliest. Each applicant may be subject to an interview, as well as a Live Scan review. Participating as a Guardian is physically strenuous as there is much walking (up to 7 miles per day), carrying the Veteran bags, pushing a veteran in the transport chair up mild inclines, and loading bags and chairs in buses. Please be aware of the physical demands BEFORE submitting your application.

Go to: www.honorflightkerncounty.org to complete and submit your application.

For more information call Lynn (USMC Veteran) at 760-382-0302 or Armando (USAF Veteran) 661-358-7071.


Expand List item 5662Collapse List item 5662  ✈️ Section 508 Program

Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended (29 U.S.C. 794d), mandates that Federal agencies ensure their information and communication technology (ICT) is accessible to employees with disabilities. This means that when developing, procuring, maintaining, or using ICT, Federal employees with disabilities must have access to and use of information and data comparable to that of their non-disabled counterparts, unless doing so would impose an undue burden on the agency.

For any Section 508 matters, please contact your Base Section 508 Coordinators, Elissya Searcy and Erika Lybbert. They serve as technical advisors, offering guidance on Section 508 requirements, ensuring you get the assistance you need to comply with these essential accessibility standards.

For more information about Section 508 - https://www.section508.gov/

Expand List item 5667Collapse List item 5667  ✈️ Volunteer to represent Edwards communities on the Restoration Advisory Board

Edwards Air Force Base officials are seeking volunteers to represent the Boron, North Base and North Edwards communities on the Restoration Advisory Board. The RAB facilitates two-way communication between the public and those responsible for environmental cleanup at Edwards AFB. Representatives are not expected to be environmental experts.

A RAB public representative acts as a conduit for environmental cleanup information with members of the public. Responsibilities include distributing a quarterly newsletter and meeting flyers in addition to attending semiannual meetings. Applicants should be accessible to people within their respective area and willing to publicize contact information. Community concerns or questions can be addressed by the representative or referred to members of the Air Force Civil Engineer Center’s Installation Support Section at Edwards AFB.

Individuals interested in serving on the RAB must be at least 18 years of age and work or live in the area they seek to represent. Terms of service are two years in length. Military members, civil service and contract employees are welcome to apply.

Applications are available by contacting Gary Hatch, 412th Test Wing Public Affairs, at (661) 277-8707 or by e-mailing 412tw.rab@us.af.mil.

Applications will be accepted until the positions are filled.
For additional information, contact Gary Hatch or Belinda Martinez (Cherokee Federal) by e-mailing 412tw.rab@us.af.mil.

Expand List item 5671Collapse List item 5671  ✈️ Vet clinic schedule: February

Monday, Feb. 10: 9 a.m. - noon
Thursday, Feb. 13: 9 a.m. - noon
Wednesday, Feb. 19: 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. (closed for lunch noon -1 p.m.) 
Thursday, Feb. 20: 1 - 4 p.m. 
Monday, Feb. 24: 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. (closed for lunch noon -1 p.m.) 
Tuesday, Feb. 25: 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. (closed for lunch noon -1 p.m.) 

Expand List item 5624Collapse List item 5624  ✈️ DFAC implements ID checks 

DFAC started to implement 100% ID checks on Jan. 20. Please note that per policy, contractors are not eligible to access the facility during lunch meal services. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation. 

Expand List item 5612Collapse List item 5612  ✈️ Veteran and Spouse Transitional Assistance Grant Program

VSTAGP is intended to ease the challenges faced by transitioning service members Veterans and their spouses report challenges in gaining employment, and VA is eager to provide another means to support those who have served in uniform. Services offered include resume assistance, interview training, job training, job placement, military skills translation. To get started, please ensure you have the following documents ready: DD-214, valid identification, Social Security card. 
CONTACT: Dexter Stinson, Job Placement Strategist, 323-497-9103

Expand List item 5614Collapse List item 5614  ✈️ 2025 – Notice to AFGE Bargaining Unit Employees (BUEs) Concerning Union Dues

2025 – Notice to AFGE Bargaining Unit Employees (BUEs) Concerning Union Dues Employees desiring to initiate an authorization for dues withholding may obtain an SF 1187 from any AFGE steward or official. The effective date will be the first full pay period after receipt of the SF 1187 by the Civilian Pay Section. Employees wishing to discontinue their dues withholding may obtain an SF 1188 from the Civilian Pay Section or the Labor Relations Office. Discontinuance of dues withholding will be effective as follows: 1) For an employee who began dues withholding allotments before 11 January 1979; Beginning the first full pay period following 1 September provided the SF 1188 is received by the Civilian Pay Section prior to 1 September. 2) For an employee who started dues withholding on or after 11 January 1979 but before 10 August 2020; Beginning the first full pay period following the particular anniversary date (the anniversary date is the starting date of the first pay period for which dues were deducted from the employee’s pay). 3) For an employee who started dues withholding on or after 10 August 2020, the Agency should process the request as soon as administratively feasible if at least one year has passed since the employee initially authorized union-dues assignment from the employee’s pay. Ref AFGE MLA Article 8, Section 8.05e

Expand List item 5613Collapse List item 5613  ✈️ "Weingarten" Notice - 2025

WEINGARTEN*” NOTICE – 2025 for all BUEs REQUIRED BY THE FEDERAL SERVICE LABOR-MANAGEMENT RELATIONS STATUTE Pursuant to the requirements of 5 U.S.C. §7114(a)(3), this is to advise bargaining employees that: Pursuant to 5 U.S.C. §7114(2)(B), An exclusive representative of an appropriate unit in an agency shall be given the opportunity to be represented at: - any examination of an employee in the unit by a representative of the agency in connection with an investigation if- (i) the employee reasonably believes that the examination may result in disciplinary action against the employee; and (ii) the employee requests representation. * This right is commonly known as the “Weingarten” right and is based on the U.S. Supreme Court’s private sector labor decision in National Labor Relations Board v. J. Weingarten, Inc., 420 US 251 (1975).

Expand List item 4525Collapse List item 4525  ✈️ Tuition Assistance Brief --- Schedule at your convenience 

Attention Airmen and Guardians! Want to go to college? Need money for tuition? Scheduled a Tuition Assistance Brief. 
HOW: Visit https://calendly.com/education-and-training-specialist-edwards-afb, select a date/time that works for you, and register. 
CONTACT: litia.wilson@us.af.mil 

Expand List item 4478Collapse List item 4478  ✈️ Edwards Food Pantry, Jimmie’s General Store

Thursday, Oct. 17, marked the official grand opening of the Edwards food pantry, Jimmie’s General Store. The name is a nod to the 412th Force Support Squadron mascot, Jimmie the Jackalope, and the intent is to provide a welcoming and shopping-like environment for members of the Edwards community in need of food items. The store offers canned and dry goods, along with frozen and refrigerated items.

The food pantry is located in the Military and Family Readiness Center. Usage is needs-based and available to both military members and their families and DoD civilians. First sergeants from all units are designated food panty facilitators, and members who would like to use the food pantry should contact their first sergeant to arrange for access. Donations can either be dropped off at the M&FRC or by contacting one of the first sergeants. Additionally, the M&FRC point of contact is Ms. Jonishia Jones at 277-0723.

Expand List item 4492Collapse List item 4492  ✈️ Family Day Fun Flights

WHAT: One-hour orientation flight for non-members 
HOW MUCH: $245/hour 
WHO: One adult plus 2 children OR 2 adults 

Expand List item 4431Collapse List item 4431  ✈️ Don't risk it all, give AADD a call. 

Expand List item 4268Collapse List item 4268  ✈️ Secretary of Defense: Showing Our Enduring Duty to America’s Service Members and Their Families

The well-being and readiness of our service members is a top priority for the Defense Department. Over the past three years, Secretary of Defense Lloyd J. Austin III has taken action on issues critical to force and family stability, including securing affordable basic needs, making moves easier, strengthening support to families and expanding spousal employment. As of Sept. 13, 2024, the Secretary has ordered additional concrete steps to provide tangible support to our force and to tackle pressing problems our people face. The new actions are sourced directly from service members' experiences and will further ensure the well-being and success of our force, so they can focus on their mission. For more information, visit the Military One Source website (https://www.militaryonesource.mil/financial-legal/personal-finance/taking-care-of-people/)

Expand List item 4326Collapse List item 4326  ✈️ FIRE PREVENTION tips, recommendations and notices 🔥🔥🔥
In case of an emergency, dial 911 from base phone or 661-277-4540 from cell phone. Questions? Contact the Fire Prevention Team at 661-277-3124. 

----- Portable heaters
When the weather turns cold, it can brig a chill into our homes. Portable space heaters have become a popular way to supplement central heating or heat one room. CLICK to learn tips and recommendations if you plan to use an electric portable heater. 
----- Wildfire risk reduction 
Every year, wildfires burn across the U.S., and more and more people are living where wildfires are a real risk. But by working together, residents can make their own property — and their neighborhood — much safer from wildfire. CLICK to learn about action items to improve homes' survivability, landscaping tips and a word search activity for children. 
----- Be fire-safe in the kitchen
1. Stay in the kitchen when frying food or cooking with oil or grease.

2. Never cook when you are tired.

3. To put out a pan fire, slide a lid over the pan. Turn off the stove and let the pan cool.

4. If you have a fire and it does not go out, get out of the home and call the fire department.

5. Keep things that can burn away from the stove.

6. Keep kids at least three feet from the stove.

CREDIT: Illustrations by L.S. Pierce © 2009

Expand List item 4322Collapse List item 4322  ✈️ 412th Medical Group 

--- Military Treatment Facilities open during AFMC Family Days
Great news! The 412th Medical Group will be open on AFMC Family Days from 7:30 a.m. to 1 p.m., starting Friday, Aug. 30. All services will be available. We are looking forward to seeing you. 
--- Pharmacy Script Center at Plant 42
The 412th Medical Group Pharmacy Script Center located at Plant 42 is now open. You will be able to pickup your prescriptions at an alternate location. For more information please call the Pharmacy at 661-277-2052.  

Expand List item 4071Collapse List item 4071  ✈️ Edwards AFB Disability Action Team (DAT) - Call to Action

WHAT: The DAT will assess programs, practices, procedures and data for barriers to employment, advancement, and retention of employees, applicants and military members with disabilities. It will also serve as a Member and Employee Resources Group (MERG) for civilians and military with disabilities.
WHY: A MERG is a voluntary, employee-led group that fosters an inclusive workplace aligned with organizational mission, that also seeks to support individuals as they navigate their career.
WHO: Any DAF employee or member regardless of grade/rank, location, disability status, or race/ethnicity/sex.
CONTACT: Edwards AFB Disability Program Manager (DPM), Ms. Isabella Morales, isabella.morales@us.af.mil



Expand List item 3582Collapse List item 3582  By 412 TW History Office

On Feb. 12, 1962, NASA test pilot Milton O. “Milt” Thompson made the first flight of the Paraglider Research Vehicle (Parasev) at Edwards AFB. The unique craft was developed to explore the concept of returning Gemini and Apollo spacecraft to Earth using a hang glider-type wing instead of “splashing down” in the ocean.  The logistics and cost of developing such a design kept it from being used on the space capsules, though the idea of a spacecraft that landed like an airplane would come back around in the space shuttle program.
Photo from the National Air and Space Museum.



Expand List item 3707Collapse List item 3707  🚐 East Lancaster

DAYS: Monday-Friday
TIMES: Departs from the East side of Lancaster at 6:10 a.m. to reach our destination on base by 6:55 a.m. Returns from the base at 4:30 p.m. to arrive back at the East side of Lancaster around 5:15 p.m. 
CONTACT: Kendall King at kendall.king@us.af.mil or 661-275-6057

Expand List item 3586Collapse List item 3586  🚐 Lancaster

Unlock a world of benefits with vanpooling! Imagine having extra cash in your pocket each month, enjoying peaceful relaxation or sleep on your daily commute, reducing your car insurance expenses, and sparing your vehicle from wear and tear. It's all possible with our incredibly comfortable 8-seat vanpool, and we're actively seeking riders like you!

Here's what you can expect: Our van departs from Lancaster Sgt Steve Owen Park and Ride (next to YMCA) at 6:05 a.m., ensuring you reach your destination on base by 6:45 a.m. You'll return from the base at 4 p.m., arriving back at Lancaster City Park and Ride around 4:45 p.m. The van leaves base at 3 p.m. every Friday. This convenient service operates from Monday to Friday.

And here's the best part for DoD employees - it's practically FREE! All you need to do is apply for a voucher through the Transit Benefits System, and you're good to go.

Don't miss out on this incredible opportunity to enhance your daily commute, save money, and make life easier. For more information or to get started, feel free to contact Vinh Pham via call or text at 661-802-2627 or via email at vinh.pham.2@us.af.mil Make the smart choice today! Thank you.

DAYS: Monday - Friday
TIMES: Departs from the City of Lancaster Park and Ride at 6:05 a.m. to reach our destination on base by 6:45 a.m. Returns from the base at 4 p.m. to arrive back at the City of Lancaster Park and Ride around 4:45 p.m. 
CONTACT: Vinh.Pham@us.af.mil or 661-802-2627

Expand List item 3583Collapse List item 3583  🚐 Ridgecrest

CONTACT: Nicholas.Kuttor@us.af.mil or 661-275-3545

Expand List item 4262Collapse List item 4262  🚐 Tehachapi 

CONTACT: Steve Hansen at steven.hansen.9@us.af.mil or 661-275-0839

Expand List item 3605Collapse List item 3605  🚐 Victorville, Hesperia and Adelanto

CONTACT: Hector at 661-810-3868

Expand List item 3587Collapse List item 3587  🚐 West Lancaster/Palmdale --- coming soon

Vanpool riders wanted! This West Lancaster/Palmdale Vanpool to/from main base is starting soon.
TIMES: Departs from Park and Ride (Ave K-8/10th St West) at 6 a.m. Departs Edwards AFB at 4:30 p.m. 
FEE: $220/month BUT Military/Gov’t employees may qualify for the Transportation Incentive Program (TIP) subsidy and can ride for FREE!!!!
CONTACT: Julio Barrios at 661-903-0915 (call/text) or julio.barrios.1@us.af.mil

Expand List item 3585Collapse List item 3585  🚐 West Palmdale 

DATES/TIMES: Meets at the mall, Monday - Friday, around 6 a.m. to arrive on base around 7 a.m. Departs base at 4 p.m. 
CONTACT: 661-275-7731 


Under the Voluntary Leave Transfer Program (VLTP), a covered employee may donate annual leave directly to another employee who has a personal or family medical emergency and who has exhausted his or her available paid leave. Samantha Post and Kimberly Swaim are the point of contact for the VLTP at Edwards Air Force Base. 

The following employees have been approved to receive annual leave donation. If you are interested in donating annual leave, please complete form OPM 630A (within agency) or form OMP 630 (outside agency) and send it to samantha.post.3@us.af.mil; kimberly.swaim@us.af.mil. LES's are used to validate donor SCD leave dates and available leave balances and may be redacted of any/all pay related information.

Jocelyn Franco, 812 AITS/ENI
Aimee Hansen, AFTC/SC
Heather Mathiesen, 416 FLTS/ET-ITF/CCS
Victoria Pendergraft 412 RANS/ENRES 
David Stein, Plant 42/FES