Jan. 14, 2025 412th Command Chief: “Always Be Ready!” Comprehensive Airman Fitness plus attitude, unit culture and teamwork equals full-spectrum risk management. That’s the message Chief Master Sgt. Justin Stoltzfus, 412th Test Wing command chief master sergeant, delivered during the wing’s recent Back-in-the-Saddle Day.
Jan. 13, 2025 Edwards tests an outdoor pavilion to expand its fitness capability and capacity Air Force Service Center selected Edwards Air Force Base to test an outdoor fitness pavilion to encourage health-related fitness, including cardiovascular endurance, muscular development, flexibility, and body composition. If the pavilion’s utilization is approved locally, it may be replicated to
Jan. 7, 2025 412th is Back in the Saddle…and Ready! The rapid modernization of the People’s Liberation Army under Chairman Xi Jinping served as context for a risk management-themed briefing by Brig. Gen. Doug Wickert, 412th Test Wing commander, during Monday’s Back-in-the-Saddle Day.
Oct. 29, 2024 Cyber Security Month: Install software updates to fix security risks Veda didn’t have time to update software and regularly clicked “Remind Me Later” on her computer and phone. After her son played an online game, she noticed her computer was running slow. At first, she thought it must be her Wi-Fi running slowly and figured it wasn’t a big deal.Until one day, Veda