Edwards AFB News

Edwards AFB families encouraged to participate in annual DoD Tenant Satisfaction Survey

  • Published
  • By Adam Bowles
  • 412th Test Wing Public Affairs

The Department of the Air Force requests tenants of privatized housing and government-owned family housing provide their feedback of the program via the annual Department of Defense Tenant Satisfaction Survey that's now available.

A link to the survey will be emailed to one member of each household and they will have until December 1, 2022 to submit their feedback. The Air Force is funding the survey while an independent party administers the survey. The Office of Management and Budget (OMB) control number is: 0704-0553, exp. 5/31/2025.

By using a third-party firm, service members and their families can provide open, honest, and completely anonymous feedback on living in privatized and government-owned housing. No personally identifiable information will be included in the result data provided to the Air Force or any project owners. The survey data will be shared with housing program leaders to continue improving housing experiences.

"The annual DoD Tenant Satisfaction Survey provides residents an opportunity to let Leadership, Mayroad, and the Military Housing Office (MHO) know how on-base housing is working for them," Melody Couch, Housing Management Branch Chief explained. "They can share what works well, what’s not working, and provide suggestions for changes."   

Edwards Housing strives to be a positive quality of life program. Therefore, the survey is vital to shape the evolution of improvements and housing services to provide tenants the best possible housing experience.

"Some past changes made in response to survey comments were: adding a heater to the pool, extending the swim season from early May through Sep, longer pool hours, expanded hours for the community center gym, improved pest control services, increased communications between Mayroad and residents, to name a few," Couch said.

The survey results guide the decisions the Department of the Air Force makes today and will impact future generations of service members and their families.

The survey has been distributed in varying forms since the start of the privatized housing program in the mid-1990s.  Although the survey is confidential and housing tenants will not be linked in any way, comments provided in the survey will receive the appropriate attention to resolve any household related issues.

Mayroad, which provides on-base housing for more than 14,000 residents, ranked number one out of 67 Air Force locations in overall score as part of the 2021 DoD Tenant Satisfaction Survey and was the only company to receive a Very Good rating.

Edwards tenants should check their primary email they provided to housing to ensure the survey link is sent appropriately from AirForceHousingSurvey@celassociates.com.

For more information about the DoD annual Tenant Satisfaction Survey, tenants can contact their installation military housing office. If tenants have not received the survey link, then they can contact AirForceHousingSurvey@celassociates.com for assistance.