AFMC Command News

  • SECAF visits Arnold AFB to view developmental test capabilities

    Secretary of the Air Force Barbara Barrett visited Arnold Air Force Base June 18 to get a first-hand look at critical ground-based developmental test mission activities.The visit highlighted the contribution of the Arnold Engineering Development Complex team to a variety of national priority test

  • World-unique tire testing capability saves millions for warfighters

    At the Air Force Test Center’s Landing Gear Test Facility located at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, Ohio, engineers have developed a new, one-of-a-kind test capability that can identify, characterize and classify tire wear under realistic operational conditions—saving thousands per tire over the

  • AEDC Commander holds second COVID-19 town hall

    In the second of what he intends to make a weekly occurrence during the operationally urgent posture now in place, Arnold Engineering Development Complex Commander Col. Jeffrey Geraghty took to social media April 15 to provide updates on the COVID-19 situation at Arnold Air Force Base.During the

  • Critical national defense mission keeps AEDC open amid pandemic

    Ground testing for critical Department of Defense projects will continue at Arnold Engineering Development Complex while mitigating the risks during the Coronavirus pandemic.That means some employees will stay on-the-job and the Complex will remain open. Tunnel 9 in Maryland temporarily halted

  • Arnold engineers implement Condition-Based Maintenance Wireless Network

    An innovative pilot project at Arnold Air Force Base is providing a potential solution to improving the condition-based maintenance, or CBM, program for Arnold Engineering Development Complex assets.In a unique industrial environment such as Arnold AFB, obtaining the necessary measurements for CBM

  • Arnold AFB takes actions on coronavirus

    Arnold Air Force Base leadership have begun taking proactive measures to protect the health of the workforce and help slow the spread of community transmission.To date, such measures include expanding telework opportunities and limiting mission activities to those which are most vital to our

  • Arnold AFB takes actions on coronavirus

    Arnold Air Force Base leadership have begun taking proactive measures to protect the health of the workforce and help slow the spread of community transmission.To date, such measures include expanding telework opportunities and limiting mission activities to those which are most vital to our

  • Bunch ‘reenergized’ by visit to Arnold AFB

    Gen. Arnold W. Bunch Jr., commander, Air Force Materiel Command, said he gleaned much during his recent visit to Arnold Air Force Base, but there was one takeaway he reiterated throughout his wrap-up meeting with base leadership.“We’ve got awesome Airmen here doing awesome things, and they’re really

  • F-35 store separation test completed ahead of schedule, under budget

    Store separation testing on a 1/15th scale model of an F-35 Lightning II Joint Strike Fighter in the Arnold Engineering Development Complex 4-foot transonic wind tunnel, or 4T, at Arnold Air Force Base was completed weeks ahead of a scheduled facility maintenance outage, saving the test customer

  • F100 now on display at Arnold AFB Engine Test Facility

    A monument to the longstanding relationship between Arnold Engineering Development Complex and the F100 engine now stands outside of the Engine Test Facility at Arnold Air Force Base.A static display of the engine was installed outside of the ETF in late 2019. This coincided with the 50th

  • AEDC T-3 engine test cell receives upgrades for future tests

    The Arnold Engineering Development Complex T-3 turbine engine test cell at Arnold Air Force Base is undergoing several modifications to prepare it for future testing.Built as part of the Engine Test Facility, or ETF, at Arnold in the early 1950s, the T-3 test cell was designed for testing small

  • VKF named in honor of von Kármán 60 years ago

    Sixty years ago, a test facility at Arnold Air Force Base was renamed in honor of the man who helped provide the blueprint that led to the construction of the now Arnold Engineering Development Complex headquartered at Arnold AFB.During an Oct. 30, 1959, ceremony, the Gas Dynamics Facility was