AFMC Command News

  • Department of Defense improves access to child care resources

    Among the child development programs recently announced by the Department of Defense as part of the “Taking Care of Service Members and Families” initiative is one that improves access to off-site military child care fee assistance and expands access for in-home child care.The DOD child care fee

  • Propulsion team continues flow visualization study to save time, money

    Team members with the 717th Test Squadron, 804th Test Group, Arnold Engineering Development Complex at Arnold Air Force Base are continuing to collect shadowgraph measurements of high sound pressure level nozzle acoustic events to validate computational fluid dynamics, or CFD, prediction methods.To

  • Virtual reality capability used during sensor validation in AEDC test cell

    When performing sensor validation tests in the Arnold Engineering Development Complex Sea Level Test Cell 1, or SL-1, this summer, AEDC engineers at Arnold Air Force Base had the opportunity to view in nearly real-time a three-dimensional representation of the test hardware and support systems using

  • Under Secretary of the Air Force visits Arnold AFB

    Under Secretary of the Air Force Gina Ortiz Jones, looks at test samples as Savannah Langer, an engineer with the Space Test Branch, Test Division, Arnold Engineering Development Complex (AEDC), speaks about the Space Threat Assessment Testbed (STAT) in which they were tested at Arnold Air Force

  • Masters earns high honor from aerospace organization

    A member of the Arnold Engineering Development Complex team is among a group of professionals from around the globe who will soon be formally honored for their contributions to the aerospace field.Dr. James Masters, a model and simulation engineer at Arnold Air Force Base, the headquarters of AEDC,

  • AFTC Commander learns more about the AEDC mission

    This month, Maj. Gen. Evan Dertien made his first visit to Arnold Air Force Base since taking on his latest role as the commander of the Air Force Test Center.During his two-day stop, Dertien had the opportunity to see many of the test facilities on base and speak with experts in each of the mission

  • AEDC sea level facility helps validate sensors on turbofan engine

    The same nine vendors who visited Arnold Air Force Base as part of the Propulsion Instrumentation Working Group, or PIWG, meetings last fall recently returned.This time, instead of simply viewing an engine installed in the Arnold Engineering Development Complex Sea Level Test Cell 1 and making plans

  • Flyover debuts new paint scheme for 586 FLTS jet

    The timing couldn’t have been better.It just so happened that one of the T-38 jets flown by the 586th Flight Test Squadron at Holloman Air Force Base, New Mexico, was in need of a new paint job as the 70th anniversary of both the Air Force Test Center and Arnold Engineering Development Complex

  • AEDC celebrates 70 years with open house

    The AEDC “Hap Arnold Day” 70th Anniversary Celebration Open House on June 26 afforded members of the community a rare opportunity to see behind the fence and learn about the contributions the men and women of Arnold Engineering Development Complex have made to national defense and the advancement of

  • Propulsion Test Branch at Arnold AFB helping power the Air Force since 1950s

    The Engine Test Facility (ETF), which is part of the AEDC Propulsion Test Branch at Arnold Air Force Base, was the first facility on base, with its construction completed in 1953.Equipment making up the ETF test cells, such as the motors and compressors, were confiscated from a Bavarian Motor Works

  • Long-tenured AEDC employees share memories, observations

    Among the thousands of employees who have forged careers across Arnold Engineering Development Complex are scores of engineers, craft personnel, managers, supervisors, administrative assistants and others who possess decades of experience in their respective fields.A number of these long-time