Feb. 2, 2022 Edwards AFB NCOs pave way for “Airmen of 2030” Three Airmen assigned to the 412th Test Wing, out of Edwards Air Force Base, California, recently participated in a design sprint focused on Enlisted Professional Military Education in 2030 at the AFWERX Hub in Las Vegas, Nevada, Jan. 11-13.
Aug. 31, 2021 Engineer’s side hustle could fly BAF data capture to new heights Aleksandr Yarovinskiy, an electronics engineer with the 772nd Test Squadron’s Benefield Anechoic Facility radio frequency measurement team, is building an unmanned aircraft system from scratch in his spare time. This drone will have the capability to position a radio receiver or emitter – or both –
July 30, 2021 NF-16D VISTA becomes X-62A The NF-16D Variable In-flight Simulator Aircraft (VISTA) has been redesignated as the X-62A, effective June 14, 2021.
July 26, 2021 Innovation – Edwards ALS pioneers AF smart watch effort to help future leaders be better faster The Ellington Airman Leadership School is pioneering the use of smart watches in an innovative Air Force effort to train tomorrow’s leaders to be more efficient, effective and ready in a realm of ever-escalating demands.
July 19, 2021 412th MDG conducts “Dustoff” training with Fort Irwin helicopters Medical personnel from the 412th Medical Group conducted vital life-saving training on “dustoff” procedures at Edwards Air Force Base, California, July 15.
July 16, 2021 SparkED, innovative mindset fuel problem solving techniques through robotics In 2020, Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. Charles Q. Brown, Jr. stated that his vision for the service is to “Accelerate Change or Lose.”So Airmen from all over the force have charged forward to embrace and further the Air Force culture as innovators.
July 1, 2021 Air Force, local leaders address traffic safety around Plant 42 Operating Location Plant 42 hosted local civic leaders, law enforcement and mission partners to address traffic safety around the facility in Palmdale, California, June 30.
June 14, 2021 812th CES Exercises sUAS Capabilities The 812th Civil Engineering Squadron’s quarterly exercise kicked-off June 4 in North Base at Edwards Air Force Base, California, with a goal to increase interoperability and to hone emergency response capabilities between the three flights of CES: Ordnance Disposal, Fire Department and Emergency
May 28, 2021 Desert Junior-Senior High School teacher wins Teacher of the Year Award Desert Junior-Senior High School teacher, Jason Spitzer, has been named as the 2021 Kern County Teacher of the Year.
May 27, 2021 B-1B Lancer Undergoes Electronic Warfare Testing in the BAF A B-1B Lancer was rolled into the Benefield Anechoic Facility (BAF) at Edwards Air Force Base, California, on May 20. The aircraft will undergo testing of a portion of the B-1B Defensive Software suite, Pre-processor Flight Software (PFS) 6.42.