AFMC Command News

  • Innovative approach by Arnold craftsman makes task faster, less strenuous

    It doesn’t slice. It doesn’t dice.It doesn’t have the stain-fighting power to make your whites whiter and your brights brighter. It won’t make you look 10 years younger or give you six-pack abs.It won’t keep your boat with the screen door bottom from sinking.Still, James “Trapper” Landon’s recent

  • Working with Air Force One: AEDC’s John Washer shares his experience

    Very few of us can say we’ve met even one U.S. president, but Test Operations and Sustainment contractor John Washer has met two – President George W. Bush and President Barack Obama. He met them when he started working with Air Force One, the president’s airplane.“The team I was assigned to

  • Arnold engineers share what it means to be an engineer

    Their impact is indelible.Thanks to the efforts of engineers, everything from the everyday, like preparing dinner and making the morning commute, to the extraordinary, such as the exploration of distant planets and national defense, is possible.Engineers are the heart of AEDC. They are the ones

  • Free-jet engine test at AEDC facility sets record

    Transonic speeds with large volumetric flow rates were recently achieved during free-jet testing of a high-bypass engine in the AEDC C-2 test cell at Arnold Air Force Base, setting a record for free-jet mode engine testing at Arnold.According to Doug Hodges, test engineer with the Propulsion

  • AFMC releases accident board findings on McKinley Climatic Laboratory fire

    Contractor workers were performing structural repairs when a fire broke out on July 5, 2017, resulting in an estimated $30 million in damage to an air-mixing facility at the McKinley Climatic Laboratory, located at Eglin Air Force Base, Florida, according to a recently released Air Force Materiel

  • AEDC stands up ICBM Combined Test Force at Hill Air Force Base

    The growth of AEDC’s critical role in providing the United States Armed Forces with developmental test and evaluation support for the newest and premier weapon systems continues with the stand up of an Intercontinental Ballistic Missile (ICBM) Combined Test Force (CTF) to support modernization and

  • Joint partnership leads to successful swirl distortion testing

    An AEDC test team and members of the U.S. Air Force Academy (USAFA) initiated a project in 2011 at the Academy’s F109 turbofan test facility applying swirl distortion to the determination of engine response in terms of aeromechanics, operability and performance.In June of this year, the AEDC test

  • Cain takes command of AEDC

    Col. Scott A. Cain assumed command of the Arnold Engineering Development Complex as the 30th commander during a change of command ceremony July 14, 2017.The ceremony was attended by the commander’s guests, local dignitaries and AEDC personnel inside the AEDC Large Rocket Motor Test Facility, J-6,

  • AF approves request to realign separate Test Center assets under Arnold AFB

    EDWARDS AIR FORCE BASE, Calif. -- The Air Force has approved an Organizational Change Request to realign selected Air Force Test Center operations and facilities from several separate locations under one commander at Arnold Engineering Development Complex, Tennessee. This change consolidates the

  • Guimond’s expertise recognized with DOD computing award

    Arnold Engineering Development Complex scientist and engineer Stephen Guimond recently received the 2016 Hero Award for Up and Coming within the Department of Defense High Performance Computing Modernization Program, or HPCMP.The award recognizes outstanding individuals who conduct and support