Jan. 19, 2023 Modernized EZ Source 8.0 Ready for Source Selection Teams EZ Source is now updated with a modern interface.
Jan. 13, 2023 Major Improvements to the CON-IT System The most recent release of CON-IT provides major flexibility and offers success for Air Force contracting.
Nov. 17, 2022 CON-IT drives efficiency, effectiveness Contracting-Information Technology, or CON-IT, standardizes acquisition contract writing, reduces costs, creates efficiency on both ends of the contract, and provides flexibility for ongoing success.
Nov. 17, 2022 Product Lifecycle Management team key to digital transformation The AF-PLM Capability Support Office, in conjunction with newly established Senior Stakeholder Steering Committee, brings decades of experience and commitment to facilitating digital transformation.
Nov. 17, 2022 Commercial internet solution augments Gunter-Annex Program Developers The Air Force Lifecycle Management Center’s (AFLCMC) Business and Enterprise Systems (BES) is currently collaborating with industry partners to provide a commercial wireless internet solution to its collection of program engineers that are working multiple applications leveraged by personnel across
Aug. 30, 2022 Stock Control System Professionals collaborate, track assets On a daily basis, the Air Logistics Complex’s take on the monumental task of maintaining thousands of aircraft. The Stock Control System (SCS) is one of the primary Air Force logistics and financial systems enabling this massive task.
Aug. 18, 2022 Program & Budget Enterprise System (PBES) Supports the Air Force’s PPBE Process When the President’s budget is announced, many people ask, “how does this happen?” The President’s budget is calculated years in advance to prepare for the ever-changing environment of the world.
June 9, 2022 JOCAS II v7.0 Oracle Upgrade and Hardware Refresh The Business and Enterprise Systems Directorate’s Job Order Cost Accounting System (JOCAS II) team successfully deployed two major initiatives in April 2022.
April 23, 2022 AFRIMS v8.xsoftware updates improves records management In an effort to help the U.S. Air Force more efficiently manage records, the Business and Enterprise Systems Directorate’s Air Force Records Information Management System (AFRIMS) team produced an updated web-based application that enables over 20,000 records professionals across the Air Force to
March 22, 2022 Oracle Enterprise Software License Agreement II Awarded AFLCMC'S Business and Enterprise Systems Directorate has awarded a five year, $420 million contract for the Oracle Enterprise Software License Agreement II (ESLA II).
Jan. 31, 2022 System used to develop standard for ensuring safety, confidence and reliability of Air Force body armor plates The Air Force Life Cycle Management Center's Integrated Logistics Systems-Supply Capability Delivery Team fielded an upgrade to enterprise asset management capabilities to ensure that all body armor plates are tested and managed as needed to assure the ability for these to meet the needs of
Jan. 14, 2022 Rapid software update improves ground transport management during Operation Allies Welcome In an effort to help the U.S. Air Force manage ground transportation during Operation Allies Welcome, the BES Directorate’s On-Line Vehicle Interactive Management System (OLVIMS) team updated a management platform specifically for Task Force members.
Jan. 5, 2022 System tracks every item in the Air Force inventory Want to know how many aircraft tires or satellites are in Department of the Air Force asset inventory? The Integrated Logistics System – Supply or ILS-S has the answer.
Jan. 23, 2019 DOD PEOs meet at Maxwell to discuss challenges, share innovations Program executive officers from several Department of Defense agencies met at the Air Force Program Executive Office-Business and Enterprise Systems headquarters here recently to share information on current and emerging information technology solutions and updates to acquisition processes and