AFMC Command News

  • AFTC Airmen armed with tools for mental wellness

    As Mental Health Awareness Month comes to a close 31 May, there has never been a more appropriate time to gauge the mental health of yourself and others. Base helping agencies across the Air Force Test Center are here to help.

  • Commentary: Be the change

    In light of Mental Health Awareness Month, Felisha Garcia, a Licensed Clinical Psychologist at Robins Air Force Base, Georgia, gives her insight on how everyone can "be the change" when it comes to improving mental health.

  • Department of the Air Force leaders focus on resiliency

    Senior leaders are focused on building and growing resilience by establishing a task force called Operation Arc Care. This task force is currently reviewing resilience programs and overarching strategy using a phased approach which began in November.

  • Mental Health Awareness Month: Resiliency, wellness

    The goal of the Wellness and Resiliency Program is to help ensure there is a resilient community being built and maintained throughout all areas of a wounded warrior’s life to include their physical, spiritual, mental and social fitness. During COVID-19, the team assists warriors, caregivers and

  • How parents can empathize with missed milestones

    As the community continues to combat COVID-19, day-to-day lives have taken on a new look.Teleworking, distance learning and interactions over social media have become the norm and, although the new routine is solid, there can be trepidations as physical distancing stretches into the coming weeks.

  • Mental health maintenance essential in times like these

    The combination of physical isolation and social distancing can have varying impacts on mental health, and officials from the 66th Medical Squadron are offering tips to keep mental health in check. Anxiety and depression are common reactions to the unknown, but recognizing individual warning signs

  • Fighting the demons: A 'typical' Defender's story

    If there is a “typical” security forces Airman, retired Master Sgt. Dwayne Pyle says he was it. He loved his job and felt he was good at it, even though he did get into a little trouble during his first assignment in Germany.

  • Living with post-traumatic stress disorder

    Imagine someone holds a gun to your head, and then they pull the trigger.Tech. Sgt. Trevor Brewer, with 72nd Security Forces Squadron at Tinker Air Force Base, doesn’t have to imagine it. He lived it.On March 2, 2011, a terrorist boarded the bus Brewer was on and placed a gun to his head. He is

  • Blue Grit podcast features stories of resilience, strength

    You may have noticed a recent addition to the Air Force Portal homepage. A logo depicting a warrior looking over his shoulder with a fighter jet above him. It’s the face of the Blue Grit podcast. The podcast is the brainchild of Maj. Anna Fedotova, Los Angeles Air Force Base psychologist.