AFMC Command News

  • Air Force, university scientists share vision for unconventional computing

    Conventional computing hardware represents information as ones and zeros, depending on the state of electronic transistors. This creates artificial bottlenecks in the flow of information processing by first requiring that environmental loads be converted into an electronic state and second by

  • VCSAF meets with accelerators of change in Boston

    Air Force Vice Chief of Staff Gen. David Allvin arrived at Logan International Airport on Monday and stepped off the aircraft with an extra sense of urgency. His flight wasn’t late, nor was he running behind schedule for his meeting in downtown Boston. Allvin’s deliberate stride was appropriate to

  • AFRL guest speaker presents a practical view of artificial intelligence

    WRIGHT-PATTERSON AIR FORCE BASE, Ohio -- Fear of the unknown can often cripple rational thinking. And one such unknown today is artificial intelligence. Is it right to be afraid of AI? Or is this just an irrational fear of the unknown?To make artificial intelligence more understandable to its

  • Ohio State futurist visits Air Force Research Lab

    WRIGHT-PATTERSON AIR FORCE BASE, Ohio — An unusual guest speaker recently challenged researchers and administrators at the Air Force Research Lab to think about artificial intelligence and machine learning and how they will change the home and workplace as well as institutions of higher

  • Air Force announces artificial intelligence research with MIT

    Beginning this summer, the combined officer and enlisted team representing various Air Force career fields, is expected to work with researchers at MIT to harness the university’s student talent, renowned faculty and state-of-the art facilities and laboratories. The partnership will address a broad

  • Skyborg program seeks industry input for artificial intelligence initiative

    WRIGHT-PATTERSON AIR FORCE BASE, Ohio – The Air Force office of Strategic Development Planning and Experimentation at the Air Force Research Laboratory is working on fielding a prototype Autonomous, Unmanned Combat Air Vehicle as an Early Operational Capability as early as 2023.The program is known

  • Emerging Technologies CTF conducts first autonomous flight test

    The 412th Test Wing’s Emerging Technologies Combined Test Force conducted its first autonomy flight test Feb. 26-28.  The team collected data on the Testing of Autonomy in Complex Environments system, or TACE. The TACE system is test middleware developed by Johns Hopkins University that sits between