Edwards AFB News

  • Empowering through mission command

    Airmen are empowered within their chain of command to make rapid decisions every day, across a full spectrum of outcomes. As one team, every choice made reflects a team's strength and resiliency. Having confidence in our mission command is critical to execute the mission at the highest level of

  • Edwards Airman comes clean on drugs, consequences, regrets

    An Airman stationed at Edwards Air Force Base has opened up about the devastating consequences of substance abuse after recently facing disciplinary action. His story serves as a cautionary tale for fellow service members grappling with similar challenges.

  • Exec Order signals change to telework policy

    One of numerous executive orders signed by President Donald Trump during his first day in office is the Return to In-Person Work directive ending regular telework and remote work for all federal employees.

  • January is Cervical Cancer Awareness Month

    The 412th Medical Group encourages everyone, not only its patients, to take proactive steps towards prevention and early detection of cervical cancer. Whether it’s scheduling a screening exam or getting vaccinated, every action counts in the fight against cervical cancer.

  • 412th Command Chief: “Always Be Ready!”

    Comprehensive Airman Fitness plus attitude, unit culture and teamwork equals full-spectrum risk management. That’s the message Chief Master Sgt. Justin Stoltzfus, 412th Test Wing command chief master sergeant, delivered during the wing’s recent Back-in-the-Saddle Day.

  • 412th is Back in the Saddle…and Ready!

    The rapid modernization of the People’s Liberation Army under Chairman Xi Jinping served as context for a risk management-themed briefing by Brig. Gen. Doug Wickert, 412th Test Wing commander, during Monday’s Back-in-the-Saddle Day.