July 30, 2021 Edwards’ 775th TS tackles ‘Death by PowerPoint’, innovates improved training regimen Sure, Microsoft’s PowerPoint software still dominates the market and is the most likely source for presenting training material; and millions of presentations are made each day using the software.Unfortunately, the phrase "Death by PowerPoint" has also become part of our lexicon.
Feb. 18, 2021 Joint Simulation Environment brings Next-Gen Test and Evaluation to AFTC The $34.4 million project will provide a state-of-the-art modeling and simulation environment to conduct fifth-generation and next-generation developmental test, operational test, and high-end advanced training and tactics development for the warfighter. Construction begins March 2021 and is
Feb. 18, 2021 Joint Simulation Environment brings Next-Gen Test and Evaluation to AFTC The $34.4 million project will provide a state-of-the-art modeling and simulation environment to conduct fifth-generation and next-generation developmental test, operational test, and high-end advanced training and tactics development for the warfighter. Construction begins March 2021 and is