Edwards ’ Airmen Leadership School prepares Airmen to assume the grade of Staff Sgt.

  • Published
  • By Laisa Leao
  • 412th Test Wing

Airmen Leadership School located at Edwards Air Force Base congratulated the newest generation of first-level leaders during a graduation ceremony on Dec. 12.

The ALS is the first level of professional military education for enlisted Airmen. It is designed to be an entry level leadership enhancement course to prepare Senior Airmen for positions of greater responsibility by strengthening their ability to lead, follow, and manage while also gaining a broader understanding of the military profession and their role within the Air and Space Forces. Completion is required to assume the grade of Staff Sgt. There are 68 active-duty ALS schools, and Edwards AFB hosts one of them.

The Edwards’ ALS graduates are:

Senior Airman Efren Rodrigo Ayala Perez, 146th Communications Flight Test
Senior Airman Jozef Soloman Young, 146th Civil Engineer Squadron
Senior Airman Owen Donald Harnden, 163rd Aircraft Maintenance Squadron
Senior Airman Zion Shakur Collins, 412th Test Wing
Staff Sgt. Benjamin Howard Lee Koppa, 412th Maintenance Group
Senior Airman Frederick Charles III Dietz, Air Force Research Lab
Senior Airman Seerah Tamar Garcia, 412th Aircraft Maintenance Squadron
Senior Airman Alyssa Marie Treakle, 412th Aircraft Maintenance Squadron
Senior Airman John Paul Fernandez Gegato, 412th Aircraft Maintenance Squadron
Senior Airman Anthony Young Costanzo, 412th Aircraft Maintenance Squadron
Senior Airman Jakob Marti Baumgartner, 412th Security Forces Squadron
Senior Airman Connor Michael Carmody, 412th Security Forces Squadron
Senior Airman Gage Edward Carlisle, 412th Security Forces Squadron
Senior Airman Priscilla Mercedes Molina Suarez, 412th Maintenance Squadron
Mariela Valencia, 412th Health Care Operations Squadron
Berenice Torres, 412th Civil Engineer Squadron
Ryan N. Krusi, 412th Security Forces Squadron
Shane S. Carlisle, 412th Maintenance Squadron
David A. Salguero, 912th Aircraft Maintenance Squadron
Senior Airman Ethan Yates Tabor, 86 Aerial Port Squadron
Senior Airman Evelyn Chatman, 452nd Force Support Squadron
Senior Airman Gracie Alonza Hansen, 752nd Medical Squadron