Edwards AFB Responds to Tropical Storm

  • Published
  • By 412th Test Wing
  • 412th Test Wing Public Affairs

***UPDATED AS OF 2000, 20 AUG***

Following a storm impact assessment with base leaders Sunday afternoon, the 412th Test Wing commander directed Edwards AFB and 412 TW Operating Location Plant 42 workers who are not key and essential to report to work no-earlier-than 9 a.m. Monday. All non-key and essential wing employees are encouraged to either telework if they have telework agreements in place or to take leave on Monday. Questions on individual work status should be referred through the supervisory chain.

“If you’re required to come to base, then plan ahead, take necessary precautions, and absolutely do not attempt to travel if conditions for your route of travel are unsafe,” said Col. Matt Caspers, 412th Test Wing deputy commander. “If that’s the case, then get with your supervisor to find other options.”

School superintendent Kevin Cordes also made the decision Sunday evening to close the Muroc Joint Unified School District on Monday, which comprises all on-base schools. Click here for the latest schools status report on the district’s YouTube site.

Unit commanders and directors will designate individuals to inspect their respective buildings and report issues to the 412th Civil Engineering Group Control Center at 661-277-3330. For emergencies, call 911 from a land line, or 661-277-4541 from a cell phone to reach Edwards AFB emergency services. 

For additional storm safety information See “Edwards Responds to Tropical Storm,” the base website and Edwards AFB App, and call the Edwards Tropical Storm Hotline at 866-339-5627 for the latest weather conditions.

***UPDATED AS OF 0900, 20 AUG***

For the latest updates on Tropical Storm Hilary and Edwards AFB operating conditions, please contact the Tropical Storm Hotline at 866-339-5627, DSN: 277-0966. For the latest updates on the status of on-base schools, go to Muroc Schools on the district's Youtube page at www.youtube.com/murocschools. Base residents that have immediate issues in the housing area are encouraged to contact Mayroad at 611-385-6060.

***UPDATED AS OF 0700, 19 AUG***

The Edwards AFB weather station and the National Weather Service continue to forecast intense wind and rain conditions for our area. Widespread thunderstorms/lightning are anticipated to begin Saturday afternoon, Aug. 19, and continuing into the night of Monday, Aug. 21. Monday work schedules and weekend activities for Edwards members may be impacted by this tropical storm.

Known currently as Hurricane Hilary, the storm is expected to hit our area Sunday as a tropical storm. Residents should anticipate the potential for mudslides and flooding, as well as up to 45 mph or stronger winds, according to the base weather shop. The early shifts on Monday should take extra care and time driving in, and avoid driving through large areas of standing water as roadways beneath may be washed out.

Major construction on Highway 14 in Lancaster has reduced travel to a single lane of traffic, which may further impact safe travel. On base, the storm brings the potential for power outages and flooding concerns to low-lying areas of Lancaster Bldv, Fitzgerald Blvd, Rosemond Blvd and South Wolfe Ave. near NASA Flight Research Center, according to Lt. Col. Ryan Price, 812th Civil Engineering Squadron commander and base Emergency Operations Center director.

“It’s hard to predict impact on base structures, but we’ll have people on standby for quick response this weekend, including electricians,” said Col. Joel Purcell, 412th Civil Engineering Group commander. 

“Now is the time for facility managers and other asset owners to dust off and review emergency management actions plans,” said Price.

Updates will be continued to be sent through email, mobile app, website, and social media as new information becomes available.

Regardless of your location, everyone should begin planning now in case of an emergency. Your family or colleagues may not be together if a disaster strikes, so it is important to know which types of disasters could affect your area. Know how you’ll contact one another and reconnect if separated. Establish a family meeting place that’s familiar and easy to find. Read more about emergency planning for your loved ones and colleagues.  

The following tips can help you prepare for the forthcoming storm.


Flooding is a temporary overflow of water onto land that is normally dry. Floods are the most common natural disaster in the United States. Failing to evacuate flooded areas or entering flood waters can lead to injury or death.

Floods may:

  • Result from rain, snow, coastal storms, storm surges and overflows of dams and other water systems.
  • Develop slowly or quickly. Flash floods can come with no warning.
  • Cause outages, disrupt transportation, damage buildings and create landslides.

If you are under a flood warning:

  • Find safe shelter right away.
  • Do not walk, swim or drive through flood waters. Turn Around, Don’t Drown!
  • Remember, just six inches of moving water can knock you down, and one foot of moving water can sweep your vehicle away.
  • Stay off bridges over fast-moving water.
  • Depending on the type of flooding:
  • Evacuate if told to do so.
  • Move to higher ground or a higher floor.
  • Stay where you are.

Lightning & Wind:

  • When thunder roars, go indoors! Move from outdoors into a building or car with a roof.
  • Pay attention to alerts and warnings.
  • Avoid using electronic devices connected to an electrical outlet.
  • Avoid running water.
  • Secure outside items like garbage cans and lawn chairs or bring them inside if you can. Remove debris from around your storm drains and gutters before the storm gets here

After the Storm:

  • Pay attention to authorities, base announcements  and weather forecasts for information on whether it is safe to go outside and instructions regarding continued flash flooding. Be aware of your surroundings.
  • Watch for fallen power lines and trees. Report them immediately.

For Hurricane forecasts, please go to https://www.nhc.noaa.gov/?epac

For highway information please go to http://www.dot.ca.gov/.

For weather updates, please check the Edwards weather station web page at https://weather.dfrc.nasa.gov  or the National Weather Service at http://www.wrh.noaa.gov/hnx or http://www.wrh.noaa.gov/lox/.

For disaster planning. https://www.ready.gov/

Download the Edwards AFB app to view more news updates and the latest happenings on base.