Celebrating the 100th birthday of General Chuck Yeager U.S. Air Force Logo Feb. 13, 2023 Celebrating the 100th birthday of General Chuck Yeager A statue of General Chuck Yeager sits on Yeager Blvd at Edwards Air Force Base, California. This monument honors the flight, the aircraft, a loyal ground crew, and its valiant pilot that first broke the sound barrier October 14th, 1947. Details Download Celebrating the 100th birthday of General Chuck Yeager A statue of General Chuck Yeager sits on Yeager Blvd at Edwards Air Force Base, California. This monument honors the flight, the aircraft, a loyal ground crew, and its valiant pilot that first broke the sound barrier October 14th, 1947. Details Download Celebrating the 100th birthday of General Chuck Yeager A statue of General Chuck Yeager sits on Yeager Blvd at Edwards Air Force Base, California. This monument honors the flight, the aircraft, a loyal ground crew, and its valiant pilot that first broke the sound barrier October 14th, 1947. Details Download 74th Anniversary of Super-Sonic Flight Then Capt. Charles "Chuck" Yeager pilots a Bell X-1 on final approach above Edwards Air Force Base, California. (Photo courtesy of Air Force Test Center History Office) Details Download 74th Anniversary of Super-Sonic Flight The Bell X-1 team pose for a group photo: (from left to right) Ed Swindell, Robert Cardenas, Bob Hoover, Chuck Yeager, Dick Frost, Jack Ridley, at Edwards Air Force Base, California. (Photo courtesy of Air Force Test Center History Office) Details Download Renowned test pilot Chuck Yeager dies Famed test pilot, retired Brig. Gen. Charles E. “Chuck” Yeager has died, Dec. 7. He was 97. Details Download Air Force’s Test Pilot School celebrates semi-sesquicentennial anniversary Brig. Gen. (Ret.) Chuck Yeager shares a conversation with Maj. Gen. Christopher Azzano, Air Force Test Center Commander, during U.S. Air Force Test Pilot School 75th anniversary celebration at Edwards Air Force Base, California, Sept. 21. Yeager is credited with being the first person to break the sound barrier in 1947 aboard a Bell X-1. (U.S. Air Force photo by Richard Gonzales) Details Download Stars shine bright at Edwards Brig. Gen. (retired) Chuck Yeager poses for a photo with the cast of the film "The Right Stuff" at Edwards Air Force Base in 1982. Yeager played the bartender "Fred" during a cameo appearance in the film. (Photo courtesy of Air Force Test Center History Office) Details Download Planes, aviation legends, highlight 70th anniversary Retired Brig. Gen. Robert Cardenas speaks at the opening ceremony of the 70th Anniversary of Supersonic Flight held Oct. 13 on Ramp 6. Behind him is retired Brig. Gen. Chuck Yeager and wife Victoria. Cardenas piloted the B-29 launch aircraft that released the X-1 experimental rocket plane in which Yeager, a captain at the time, became the first man to fly faster than the speed of sound. (U.S. Air Force photo by Donald R. Allen) Details Download Born on February 13th, 1923, General Chuck Yeager with the Bell X-1 team, made world history breaking the sound barrier on Oct. 14th, 1947. This history making moment forever changed flight test as we know it in America. From his family’s words: “Everyone go fly today. Go to an aviation museum, or an airport, or support aviation to honor General Chuck Yeager’s phenomenal legacy.”