EDWARDS AIR FORCE BASE, Calif. -- Over 83,000 service members are still missing in action from America's conflicts. To honor the prisoners of war (POWs) and missing in action (MIA), Edwards Air Force Base held a POW/MIA Remembrance Week Run to remember those who have sacrificed so much.
"It's really important to remember those who are still missing in action," Col. Matthew Caspers, Vice Commander, 412th Test Wing said. "We lack the closure of their homecoming."
Dozens of Edwards personnel came out to participate in the run.
"In America, unfortunately we have had many of our service members become prisoners of war over decades of varying conflict," Tech Sgt. Jessica Stainbrook, Local AFSA Chapter 1328 President explained. "A lot of them are still missing in action and their families. So, we are here for this week to remember them."
"As we continue to account for our missing, it's important to carve out time in our days and our lives to remember those who are missing and sacrificed so much," Col. Caspers said.