Air Force battle lab showcases emerging space and cyber technologies Published Aug. 15, 2022 By 505th Command and Control Wing Public Affairs 805th Combat Training Squadron NELLIS AIR FORCE BASE, Nev. -- The 805th Combat Training Squadron’s Shadow Operations Center-Nellis, or ShOC-N, hosted an advanced technology demonstration for personnel across multiple domains as part of exercise Red Flag 22-3, Nellis Air Force Base, Nevada. Red Flag is a two-week advanced air component-centric combat exercise held multiple times a year by the 414th Combat Training Squadron. The exercise aims to offer realistic multi-domain advanced combat training to warfighters and allied partners in a degraded and operationally contested environment. The ShOC-N is the U.S. Air Force’s premier Battle Lab supporting the experimentation, prototyping, integration and test of key technologies, and capabilities designed to compress the kill chain for joint and coalition warfighters. In coordination with the 414th CTS, the ShOC-N planned, organized and executed a technology demonstration that included ten tools and applications in varying development stages and a wide spectrum of mission areas. Red Flag 22-3 provided an ideal environment for the ShOC-N to showcase new emerging technologies to the warfighters. The technological demonstration highlighted potential solutions to the warfighter capability requirements ranging from a space domain awareness of indication and warning to a complex airspace management tool using multi-source correlator and a tracker to cyber command and control program. “The ShOC-N creates a unique environment that enables demonstration of current and emerging capabilities that helps accelerate the development of warfighter requirements to meet the Air Force goals,” said Garry Benton, 805th CTS/ShOC-N project manager. “Advancing technology is key to increasing our military advantage in the great power competition.” “When ready, the ShOC-N can help match product owners with the required cybersecurity and accreditation professionals to move the capability into an appropriate operationally relevant experimentation environment,” said Maj. Jesse Swanson, 805th CTS/ShOC-N director of Systems and Communications. “The ShOC-N stands ready to engage current and future pacing challenges.” The 805th CTS reports to the 505th Combat Training Group, Nellis AFB, Nevada, and the 505th Command and Control Wing, headquartered at Hurlburt Field, Florida. For more information about the 805th CTS’s mission, contact the 505th Command and Control Wing Public Affairs office at 850-737-0194 or “The ShOC-N creates a unique environment that enables demonstration of current and emerging capabilities that helps accelerate the development of warfighter requirements to meet the Air Force goals,” said Garry Benton, 805th CTS/ShOC-N project manager. “Advancing technology is key to increasing our military advantage in the great power competition.”