EDWARDS AIR FORCE BASE, Calif. -- Edwards Air Force Base has moved into HPCON Charlie. Please read below as access and restrictions on base have changed.
Effective tonight at 2100 hrs, 12 Jan 2022, Edwards AFB will upgrade its Health Protection Conditions as follows:
(U) ICD 023 – Upgrade to HPCON C
ICD025 – Upgrade to HPCON C
(a) Edwards AFB & AF Plant 42 Counter-COVID Comprehensive Directive, 19 May 2021
(b) Guidance for Commanders’ Risk-Based Responses and Implementation of the HPCON Framework during the COVID-19 Pandemic, 29 April 2021
(c) SMARTS Graphic
(d) 412 FSS COVID-19 Operations CHARLIE, 12 January 2022
(e) Updated Coronavirus Disease 2019 Guidance Related to Travel and Meetings, 24 September 2021
(f) HPCON C Poster
(g) Update to Conditions-based Approach to Coronavirus Disease 2019 Personnel Movement and Travel Restrictions, 15 March 2021
(h) Travel Restriction Delegations of Authority, 26 October 2020
This Installation Command Directive (ICD) upgrades Edwards Air Force Base and Plant 42 to HPCON C effective 2100 Pacific Time on 12 January 2022. ICDs 18 and 23 (upgrades to B and B+) are rescinded effective 2100 Pacific Time on 12 January 2022. This ICD applies to all personnel on Edwards AFB and AF Plant 42. The Edwards AFB & AF Plant 42 Counter-COVID Comprehensive Directive is still in effect.
As the base transitions to HPCON C, the following measures are implemented:
(U) PREPARE FOR HPCON D! The mitigations imposed by HPCON C are intended to prevent further escalation of the local health protection condition. However, organizations should be prepared for the massive impacts to their personnel and mission that would be caused by a potential future escalation to HPCON D. Units should evaluate their plans for HPCON D, to include developing lists of Mission Critical personnel as defined in Ref (a) Paragraph 7. Units will submit their by-name list of Mission Critical personnel via UCC/GCC channels to 412 TW/CAT by COB 26 January 2022.
(U) BASE ACCESS: In accordance with Ref (a), Paragraph 7, Base Access does not change between HPCON B/B+/C. All base access restrictions from HPCONs B and B+ remain in effect.
3. (U) OCCUPANCY: In accordance with Ref (b), organizations should limit occupancy for personnel in their work centers. 25% occupancy for each room should be used as a baseline, but Commanders/Directors have final authority to modify up or down to account for specific organizational factors (such as vaccination rate, proximity of work stations, protective measures, mission requirements, SMARTS principles (Ref (c)), etc.) with input from Public Health.
4. (U) SERVICES: Indoor dining is one of the few venues where crowds gather on base without masks, providing a ready avenue for COVID transmission. All customer service organizations providing food distribution options (i.e. AAFES, DecA, FSS, etc.) will close indoor dining and may remain open for carryout only. Meal Card Holders (only) may eat their meal in the DFAC with one person per table and appropriate spacing between tables. All other DFAC patrons will grab/go only. Customer Service organizations will consult with Public Health to develop appropriate mitigation procedures, and will inform 412 TW/CAT of their plans. FSS modifications to services are available in Ref (d), and are subject to change based on current conditions. Current operating hours and restrictions will be available at https://www.edwardsfss.com/FSSHPCON and on the Edwards AFB App.
5. (U) MANNING: Commanders will take appropriate measures within their authority to balance mission execution with safety of personnel. Organizations will increase utilization of telework consistent with maintaining mission capability and preventing mission shutdown over an enduring period of time (4 to 6 weeks). When personnel can telework without causing mission failure, they should. Constraints to mission capability caused by different risk postures adopted at different organizations should be elevated to the appropriate level of leadership for resolution.
6. (U) MISSION CRITICAL TESTING: Personnel identified as Mission Critical in paragraph 1 above (i.e. first responders, emergency services, public safety personnel) may receive expedited processing at the 412 MDG Testing Facility in order to receive same day test results and preserve critical capabilities. This is intended to facilitate early return to work from isolation/quarantine and will be used judiciously. Commanders/Directors will conduct a case-by-case analysis to determine whether returning that individual to work earlier is truly critical to the safe and orderly operation of the base. If so, Group Commanders/Directors will provide written approval that the member can present to the 412 MDG Testing Facility for expedited testing.
7. (U) VIGILANCE: All personnel will remain agile and vigilant to minimize potential close contacts (within 6 feet for 15 minutes) to prevent the spread of COVID-19 within the community. In addition to SMARTS principle (Ref (c)), decreasing the number of close contacts reduces the number of personnel in quarantine status, significantly preserves installations-wide mission capacity, and reduces demand signal on our under-resourced Public Health/COVID testing/primary care medical warriors. Members should be aware of who is routinely in their “bubble” of close contacts due to mission essential activities and daily necessities. Members should preemptively track close contacts and be prepared to provide a list of close contacts to Public Health in the event of COVID-19 infection.
(U) GATHERINGS: Social gatherings have been the transmission point for a large portion of COVID-19 cases observed by the 412 MDG. All members, military and civilian, should avoid non-essential events which cause their close contacts bubble to grow when the local Community Transmission is Substantial or High (https://covid.cdc.gov/covid-data-tracker/#county-view). 412 TW organizations will not sponsor/encourage/support non-mission-essential events (as determined by Unit Commander/Director) which would generate additional close contacts, whether on base or off. SMARTS principles should be incorporated into all events. Commanders will ensure the DoD prohibition on events of over 50 people (Ref (e)) is enforced unless a waiver has been approved at the SECAF level.
(U) SIGNAGE: Facility owners shall post HPCON Charlie signage (Ref (f)) as appropriate.
(U) TRAVEL: Leave and Pass policies and procedures for Active Duty and Civilians are not altered at HPCON C. TDYs are limited to Mission Essential travel and other exceptions listed in Ref (g). Authority for determining whether travel is Mission Essential is the first O-6 or civilian equivalent in the chain of command or supervision, and cannot be further delegated, IAW Ref (h). Additional restrictions for not-fully-vaccinated personnel are contained in Ref (e). Personnel should expect severe restrictions on leave, passes, and TDYs if the base enters HPCON D.
Please direct any ICD025 questions to the 412 TW/CAT Admin Box 412tw.cat.admin@us.af.mil
ICDs currently in effect: 001, 004, 005, 009, 013, 017REV1, 019REV3, 020, 021REV2, 022REV3, 024REV1, and 025.