EDWARDS AIR FORCE BASE, California -- Edwards AFB schools reopen for in-person learning
EDWARDS AIR FORCE BASE, California—School bells rang and students clamored into their classrooms for the first time in about a year when schools reopened for in-person learning at Edwards Air Force Base, California, April 12.
Schools on base had been shut down since last year following COVID-19 safety protocols at the onset of the pandemic. With public health requirements met, the Muroc Joint Unified School District and base leadership decided schools would open after the California Assembly Bill No. 86 was passed.
“We decided that the best thing for children was to get them back in the classrooms with their teachers as soon as we possibly could, and I’m grateful for everyone that made this happen today,” said Kevin Cordes, the Muroc Joint Unified School District Superintendent.
The process to return to physical learning was involved and included many measures that ensured student and faculty safety.
“We had several committees that were put in place so people could give us their feedback, we reached out to all our employee groups and asked them, ‘what’s the best way to bring kids back safely?’” Cordes explained. “Then we reached out to the partners that we have to provide the safety equipment; PPEs, ground stickers, sandwich boards.”
Another milestone was the grand re-opening of Bailey Elementary School. Base schools were originally built in the 1950s and are all undergoing renovations. The first to be completed was Bailey, were additional classrooms and administrative buildings were built. Bailey will host Kindergarten to 3rd grade, while Branch Elementary School will host 4th-6th grade.
“This first day is extremely significant because not only is it the first day of physical school for us, it is the first day for these particular school buildings…this is the first time we are putting Bailey Elementary in use since 2008,” Cordes said. “To be able to bring students back to this campus just means an incredible amount to the local community and to Edwards Air Force Base and those that have been here for many years.”
For more information about Edwards AFB schools, visit the School Liaison Program page at https://www.edwards.af.mil/Education/School-Liaison-Program-Child-And-Youth-Education-Services/ or the Muroc Joint Unified School District at http://muroc.k12.ca.us/