Got a problem? Call Sergeant Fifi Published May 15, 2014 By 412th Civil Engineer Directorate EAFB EDWARDS AIR FORCE BASE, Calif. -- Have you ever wondered who to contact for issues related to special events, command interest items, projects or countless other problems that arise on a daily basis? Many people around the base have common or even unique problems that don't fit into the general mold of a normal trouble call for the Base Civil Engineer, but those items still need to be brought to someone's attention. The 412th Civil Engineer Directorate, Operations Division, has that point of contact and his name is Barry Branson, better known as "Sergeant Fifi." Since he became the customer service supervisor, Branson has fulfilled many different tasking's thrown his way; however, the task he is most proud of is ensuring Edwards AFB personnel are provided the necessary support to fulfill mission requirements. Branson gives the credit to the team he has working with him in the office, which includes Margaret Larsen and Robert Baldwin, as well as the rest of team within the 412th Civil Engineer Directorate. Under Branson's guidance, the team facilitates the emergency process to ensure CE shops have boots on ground within one hour of receiving the initial call. Additionally, the team handles emergency calls consisting of water leaks, roof leaks, gas line ruptures, storm damage and a host of other issues that require immediate response by shop personnel. Branson is also proud of the fact that the CE shops have achieved a 100% rating over the past year when responding to emergencies within an hour. This quick response ensures damage is kept to a minimum and missions can proceed without untimely delays. Branson is the focal point for all incoming service requests, which initiates the Air Force Form 332, Base Civil Engineer Work Request, process within the directorate. He validates pertinent information is provided for all incoming service requests, which is essential in determining mission requirements versus items that are nice to have. Branson then routes the Service Requests through the Work Request Review Board and through the coordination process before the Programming section develops the document into a draft project. His diligent efforts to provide necessary information to personnel involved in the AFForm 332 process ensures mission-essential and mission-support projects are processed in a timely manner. Branson has been a great addition since he came onboard and his team has significantly improved the support to Edwards AFB organizations in meeting their mission goals. So, if you are ever at an impasse and can't seem to find the right answer, give Branson/Sergeant Fifi a call at (661) 277-2630, or (661) 810-6688, and he will ensure the CE team comes up with a viable solution to your problem, or put you in contact with a team member that can assist.