Bird's Eye View: Celebrate environment with activities

  • Published
  • By Col. H. Brent Baker Sr.
  • 95th Air Base Wing commander
Thursday marks another day in which Team Edwards will focus its attention on the environment. This day is Earth Day. Each year, we celebrate this day as part of our commitment to environmental conservation and resource management. The purpose is to ensure proper land use management, preservation of natural habitats and protection of rare, threatened and endangered species. 

The Environmental Management Directorate has planned several free activities to inform and educate Desert Warriors on current environmental efforts. Events are varied, from live animal exhibits to going on the Piute Pond bus tour. I also hear that EM has arranged for some great entertainment as well. 

Protecting, preserving and fostering a clean environment where we live is our duty. Your contribution to making Edwards environmentally safe and sound will not only benefit our workplace but also leave generations to come with a healthy legacy. 

Air Force Honor Guard visits 

Airmen across the Air Force continue to spend time outside of their normal duties to volunteer or participate in additional duties. One such duty, the honor guard, is a great way to volunteer your service, learn new and exciting things and to give back to the men and women who have served our country. 

Recently, I had the honor to attend the Edwards Blue Eagle Honor Guard luncheon. I was amazed with the Airmen across the base who volunteered their time to perform this duty. Airmen in these roles are some of our sharpest and I was proud to meet each and every one of them last week. 

On Monday, the United States Air Force Honor Guard will be visiting and performing for students at Lancaster High School. Following their performance, the team has offered to perform on base as well. I encourage each of you to take this opportunity to come out and watch these elite Airmen perform some of their precision-oriented routines. You will be amazed with what they can do. One such event will be held at the base fitness center Tuesday and will start at 4 p.m. 

DUIs, not in my house 

Currently, we have about six cases involving Airmen driving under the influence, four of which were in the last few weeks. As much as I have stressed this to Airmen across the Wing, I will say it again, "This is unacceptable behavior!" 

Airmen across the base have volunteered to run programs such as Airman Against Drunk Driving. These programs are here to help you help yourself and others. I ask you to use these programs, volunteer and be a good Wingman. 

Although we have not formally implemented this program here, another concept worth discussing is 0-0-1-3, a program started by F.E. Warren Air Force Base, Wyo. This program was designed to help educate Airmen on the risks of alcohol and the causes of drinking and driving under the influence. It reminds people that drinking is not prohibited, it keeps most people under the legal threshold of a blood-alcohol content of .05 percent and it allows people to keep their behavior at a personally responsible level. 

Below are the basics of the program:

"0" stands for zero drinks for those younger than 21.
"0" stands for zero DUI offenses.
"1" stands for one drink per hour to give the liver enough time to process the alcohol. 
"3" stands for a maximum of three drinks per night to keep the body's blood-alcohol content below .05 percent.

Here's my bottom-line recommendation ... if you even have one drink, don't drive. Be responsible; don't do something you may regret later.