Bird's Eye View: 101 Critical Days of Summer ends

  • Published
  • By Col. Bryan J. Gallagher
  • 95th Air Base Wing commander
 The Air Force's 101 Critical Days of Summer campaign ends Monday. As of Aug. 21, the total number of accident-related fatalities across the Air Force was 17. That's exactly the same number of fatalities seen in 2006, but it is substantially lower than in 2005. 

Although the Air Force as a whole has significantly reduced accident-related fatalities since 2005, now is not the time to get complacent. Tragedy can strike whether or not we are in the middle of a safety campaign. We should be practicing good operational risk management every day. If you're not, today is a great day to start. 

While enjoying this extended holiday weekend, remember that defensive driving and using common sense go a long way to keeping you safe. 

Take care of yourself and your families, and we'll see you back at work Tuesday.

September marks Fiscal Year close out 

The end of Fiscal Year 2007 is Sept. 30 and draws near. Organizations should be finalizing purchases and working closely with Financial Management staff. Our ability to obligate funds completely and quickly impacts mission accomplishments as well as whether we are in position to receive end-of-year funds from higher headquarters. We all need to take a critical look at our end-of-year spending and determine the best use of our scarce resources. 

Fiscal 2008 projects to be a tight year, with initial baselines significantly less than our requirements. Potentially, we need to posture ourselves to continue to accomplish our mission, while documenting our requirements for additional funding. 

The last day of September is also significant for military leave. Sept. 30 is the deadline for military members to use (or lose) their excess accrued annual leave. For the supervisors out there, please make sure your troops are using their excess leave. Although we're all busy, our folks have earned this leave, and taking breaks helps us maintain a well-adjusted workforce.

Develop your Airmen to be leaders 

As we continue to evolve as a leaner, more efficient Air Force, we must develop our junior Airmen -- enlisted, officer and civilian -- into leaders who are capable of understanding mission objectives and propelling others to achieve them. By giving the junior force a chance to excel at leadership, we will prepare them for success and make our entire team stronger. 

No supervisory position is insignificant, nor leadership opportunity too minute. Each experience counts as a step for our people to mature and grow into Air Force leaders. Supervisors and commanders, I encourage you to provide your subordinates with ample opportunities to shine in leadership roles. 

I challenge you all to step up and take ownership of your important role on our team. Take advantage of the growth opportunities that come along. 

Keep up the fire!