Fire safety is everybody's concern

  • Published
  • By Kurt Stranick
  • Edwards Fire Protection Division
Fire safety should be practiced everyday. Whenever a fire hazard is observed, take the initiative to correct or report it to a supervisor or the fire prevention office. Fire safety is constant observance and common sense practice while performing your daily activities whether at home or at work. 

There are several fire safety interventions that should be taken into consideration. Here are few tips we should take into practice: 

  • Check the smoke detectors at least once a month and replace the battery twice a year.
  • Check the fire extinguishers monthly to make sure there is no excessive damage to the extinguisher and the indicator is in the safe operating range. If you do not have a fire extinguisher, contact the base housing office.
  • Do not make any modification to your home without submitting an Air Force Form 332 through the base housing office.
  • Practice good house keeping and organization. Keep your home free of unneeded clutter.
  • Welding, cutting or brazing is not permitted in base housing.
  • Keep bedroom doors closed while sleeping.
  • Have an evacuation plan and practice it. Make sure everyone knows the primary and secondary evacuation routes and where to meet in the event of an emergency.
  • Do not leave cooking or candles unattended.
  • It is better not to use extension cords. If there is a need for one, make sure it is not frayed or worn. Do not place it under a rug or twist it around a nail or hook. Do not run through doorways or window openings.
  • Do not use light bulb wattage that is too high for the fixture. Look at the label inside of the fixture which tells the maximum bulb wattage.
  • Keep lighters and matches out of the reach of children.
  • When barbecuing, find a safe spot no closer than 15 feet from any building or structure. Use only approved charcoal lighter fluid; never use gasoline. Adult supervision must be available from the time the barbecue is lit until it has been extinguished and properly cooled. Keep children at a safe distance at all times.
In the event of an emergency, call 911 as soon as possible. Do not use the phone in the involved area if it is not safe. all from another location or a cell phone. If calling from a cell phone and you are on base, the number to dial is (661) 277-4540 or (661) 277-4541. If calling from a cell phone and you are off base, dial 911 for emergency services. Stay on the phone with the emergency communication center until they have all the information they need to dispatch emergency responders. Try to extinguish the fire if it is found in its early stage with a portable fire extinguisher, but only if you feel safe in doing so. Have all personnel evacuate the area immediately. Do not re-enter the involved area under any circumstances. 

Fire prevention personnel are available to perform courtesy fire safety visits in your home. Please call to make an appointment. For more information, call the fire prevention office at 277-3643 or 277-0480.