Ground safety provides 'handy' tips to prevent injuries

  • Published
  • By Al Lederman
  • Air Force Flight Test Center
Hands are one of the most complex and intricate parts of the body. Movement of the muscles, tendons, bones, tissues and nerves allow a person to do a wide variety of tasks. Without hands, a simple task such as typing on a keyboard or turning a screwdriver can become a bit difficult.

Hand injuries can result from selecting the wrong tool for the job or faulty equipment. The danger could also involve the materials used or the hazard of the job itself.

Some common hand injuries can be attributed to carelessness, disregard for safety procedures, distractions, boredom or repetition.

Hand injuries are difficult to repair because of the complexity of the hand. After an injury, the hand may not fully function as it did before. An injury can also cause loss of motion, dexterity, grip and the ability to do the simple jobs.

To avoid hand injuries, it is important to know the hazards and dangers of the task given.  Reaching into an area blindly can result in a painful injury. Be aware of pinch points on machinery, avoid wearing loose clothing or jewelry around rotating or moving surfaces and always ensure machine safeguards are installed. When working with chemicals or hot surfaces, be sure to choose the appropriate gloves.

These easy-to-follow instructions are for your personal safety. Always remain vigilant, and always ensure you can see what is going on in your work area.