Voting assistance officer sends shout out to voters

  • Published
  • By 2nd Lt. Chris McGrath
  • Air Force Research Laboratory
The days are getting longer, the desert is getting drier, and the smell of arguing politicians is growing more pungent every day.

This can only mean one thing. A magnificent season is almost here, a season for which I am constantly counting down the days -- voting seasons.

It is hard to believe that it's almost upon us. What a great time to show the rest of the world why democracy is sweeter than honey and smoother than a nice glass of cool lemonade in the summertime.

I know you are all as anxious, just itching to cast your votes and get your fingers into that big pie we call the United States. However, before we jump out into the ring, there are a few things we should know about this time-honored tradition.

First, it is important for us to know how to vote before we get out there. We need to know where to get all of the knowledge needed to partake in such sweet action. I have found that it is extremely helpful and painless to contact your unit voting assistance officer or visit the voting Web site for detailed voting information. The Web site can be accessed through the Air Force Portal. In addition, we can get up-to-date voting information at

To help get in the mood for something that only comes once a year, from September 1 to 5, we will be in front of the Base Exchange handing out posters, Federal Post Card Applications and other voting related materials. This will be a great opportunity for us all to fill our toolboxes with the necessary instruments for us to get our voices heard to good old Uncle Sam.

For more information or if you need voting assistance, e-mail 2nd Lt. Meo Park at