Team Edwards rolls out CFC fundraising

  • Published
  • By 1st Lt. Nikhil Ghose
  • 412th Test Wing
Team Edwards recently kicked off the Combined Federal Campaign for this year until Nov. 14. During this time, employees will be able donate to charities and nonprofit organizations via payroll deductions or check.

The CFC was established in 1961 to provide federal employees a way to raise funds for local charities and nonprofit organizations.

Currently, there are more than 2,500 charities approved to receive funds from the campaign. These organizations include local, national and international charities. 

With a donation of $4 a week or $200 annually, donors can provide meals for 500 disaster victims, vaccinations for 800 children, four days of housing, food and treatment for a veteran. This list is by no means complete, but rather a small example of what a small measure of charity from one person can provide for many others. 

Over the next six weeks, representatives within each squadron will be requesting support for the campaign. Remember, even the most modest donation will help the needy. Also, keep eyes open for CFC events around base promising to be a good time. Pitch in and make this the best campaign that the Team Edwards has ever seen. 

For more information about the CFC and participating charities, visit