Team Edwards’ gift of flight test Published Dec. 17, 2008 By Col. William Thornton 412th Test Wing EDWARDS AIR FORCE BASE, Calif. -- As we conclude another spectacular year at the Air Force Flight Test Center, I encourage everyone to reflect for a moment on the contributions our team has made to the nation and Air Force. Team Edwards was responsible for delivering combat capability directly to our warfighters for immediate use against our enemies. Our contributions to mobility were no less significant, and of course, we are always looking to the future as we continue research and development into hypersonics, advanced avionics and new airframes that keep our Air Force and our nation strong. I know we all look forward to 2009 as we begin full time testing of the F-35 Joint Strike Fighter, launch the X-51 Scramjet-Waverider and perform many other "firsts" for which Edwards is so famous. Underpinning these great feats is the world class support we receive from the 95th Air Base Wing. As we spend time with our loved ones during this season, please keep in your thoughts and prayers those who are standing guard for our freedom and security around the world. Lisa and I wish all members of Team Edwards, including their families, a very safe and Happy Holiday season!