Chief's corner - dedication

  • Published
  • By Chief Master Sgt. Bill Thomaston
  • 95th AIr Base Wing
When we put on the cloth of our nation we are outwardly displaying our dedication for all the world to see. When others look at you, our Airmen, they see strength and hard work. They feel a sense of pride and comfort, relieved that our nation is strong and our military has might. However, we are only as strong as our weakest link. Our might will only reach as far an any individual is willing to go. As members of this Air Force we must pull together to be the most dynamic team we can be.

As teammates we each play a position and it takes everyone doing their part to win the game. The team not only expects your dedication but is dedicated to you as well. The leadership and organization have invested in your health and training, providing you with skills that make you the best in your trade. Your involvement in upgrade training and continuing education solidifies your expertise and brings credibility to you as an individual and the team as a whole.

This year, Edwards Air Force Base takes our place in front of Air Force Material Command, pioneers of the Year of the Community College of the Air Force. It is a concept born by our own Chief Master Sgt. Mark Brejcha, former 412th Test Wing command chief and carried on to command headquarters by Chief Master Sgt. Eric Jaren, AFMC command chief. These two Airmen have led the charge and I encourage each of you to take up the cause.

I invite you to join us as we put on paper what the world already knows, we have the best and brightest Airmen this Air Force has ever seen. If you have an advanced degree I applaud you, I also expect you to have your Community College of the Air Force Associates Degree. This degree not only represents formal education, but your technical expertise in your Air Force specialty. If you have completed this requirement, I expect you to not only continue your education to the next level, but take a teammate with you. Be a mentor!

As we train this year, we will find weaknesses, and we will fix them. I will address your concerns, I will help you knock down hurdles, and we will hold each other accountable. I promise you my dedication and I request your teamwork.

Will you be dedicated to both service and self? If you are interested in helping the team get better and stronger, identify yourself; take advantage of the educational opportunities available to you. If you need assistance, seek guidance through unit mentors and your wing's secretaries of education. Make use of the base education office and online resources as you earn your CCAF and assist your wingmen in getting theirs as well. Most importantly, continue to bring honor to the cloth of our nation that we wear so proudly wear.