Spice now listed as Schedule 1 drug, AF has ability to test Published April 20, 2011 By Jon Fishman Substance Abuse Prevention Specialist EDWARDS AIR FORCE BASE, Calif. -- On March 1, the Drug Enforcement Agency used its emergency enforcement authority to add five chemicals commonly used in Spice or K-2 to the list of Schedule I drugs in the Controlled Substances Act. The Air Force has also taken steps to prohibit the use of Spice and all other potentially harmful drugs. Air Force Instruction 44-120, Military Drug Demand Reduction Program and the Air Force Guidance Memorandum to AFI 44-121, Alcohol and Drug Abuse Prevention and Treatment Program states that, ―The known use of any intoxicating substance, other than the lawful use of alcohol or tobacco products that is inhaled, consumed, or introduced into the body in any manner to alter mood or function is prohibited.‖ Failure to comply with the prohibitions contained in these AFIs is a violation of UCMJ Article 92 - failure to obey order or regulation. Spice is known to have dangerous side effects such as hallucinations, vomiting and hyper-aggressive behavior. Manufacturing of the substance is not closely controlled and its ingredients can be unknown and therefore dangerous. Not only are Airmen restricted from using Spice because of the severe health risks, but also due to the negative impact such drugs have on readiness. Illicit drugs such as Spice alter perception, impair memory and lead to erratic behavior - paranoia, panic attacks and giddiness - putting not only the user, but others, in danger. This should be of particular concern for all Airmen and their families, given that even the smallest mistake can have deadly consequences. Whether it is from an unintended discharge of a weapon, an aircraft maintenance mistake, or impaired driving, innocent victims are often left suffering at the hands of the drug user. The synthetic cannabinoids that are used in Spice - CP 47, 497 and homologues, HU-210, HU-211, JWH-018, JWH-073 - are also know under the following brands and variations: Albino Rhino Buds; Aroma; Bombay Blue; Caneff 5 Star; Chillin XXX; D-Raw; Dark Matter; Dream; Everlast; Ex-ses (Platinum); Experience: Chill; Experience: Ignite; Experience: Red Ball; Fusion; Galaxy; Genie; Gorilla; Herb Dream; Ice Bud Extra Cold; Kronic; Krypto Buds; Magic; Mojo; Moon Rocks; Pep Spice; Sence; Smoke; Solar Flare; Space; Space Truckin'; Spice; Spice Arctic Synergy; Spice Tropical Synergy; Spice Diamond; Spice Gold; Spice Gold Spirit; Spice Silver; Spicey XXX; SpiceWorld420; Spice99 (Ultra); Spike99; Smoke; Splice Platinum; Star Fire; Yucatan Fire; Zohai; and Zohai SX. It is important to stay educated on not only the existence of the drug, but also the terms and language used by drug users. Education and awareness are two of our best weapons in the fight against illicit drugs. The Air Force now has the capability to drug test for Spice using urinalysis. The Air Force is committed to the deterrence of all illicit drug use in order to maintain the highest level of mission readiness and promote the health and safety of Airmen. For any further questions on Spice or any drug abuse related issue, please contact Jon Fishman, M.S. CCPS, Substance Abuse Prevention Specialist at 275-3395 or jon.fishman@edwards.af.mil.