Maintain SA during the holidays

  • Published
  • By Robert Hoover
  • Edwards AFB Antiterrorism officer
During the holidays it is important to maintain one's situational awareness.

This is the time of year when the malls are jammed packed with holiday shoppers trying to scoop up on the best deals they can find. As you go shopping, or as you travel, it is important to remember that active shooter situations can happen rather quickly. Having a good plan and knowing where the emergency exits are as you go through a store, the mall or through one of our many public transportation systems can come in handy during a natural disaster or some type of active shooter situation.

Bottom line, stay alert and be on the lookout for unattended packages, unusual incidents, breaking news and pay particular attention to your situational awareness. These simple reminders may come in handy if a situation develops.

If you decide to travel outside the United States please remember to schedule all necessary briefings. Your unit antiterrorism officer/security manager can help you with the process. While on your trip the state department website could be quite helpful in providing updated travel advisories. The state department website is located at the following website