AFTC Commander's Log Published July 2, 2013 By Maj. Gen. Arnold W. Bunch Jr. Air Force Test Center commander EDWARDS AIR FORCE BASE, Calif. -- Team, I hope everyone is enjoying the Fourth of July holiday and a long weekend for most. I know I am. I hope everyone celebrated responsibly the anniversary of this nation declaring its independence and freedom, a freedom that is the envy of every other nation. This time of year provides us a great opportunity to relax, enjoy ourselves, spend some time with family and recharge our batteries. You continue to amaze me every day with your efforts. Even during this time of sequestration, your dedication, innovation and ingenuity have minimized the programmatic impacts to our test customers and minimized the impacts to the families on and around our installations. Your efforts have been remarkable. But, the road ahead over the next few months will be even more challenging. Beginning July 8, the vast majority of our civilian Airmen will be furloughed one day a week totaling 11 days for the remainder of this fiscal year. I know this will significantly impact all facets of AFTC's mission. We will work together to prioritize work and minimize the impacts as much as possible. I also know this will have dramatic financial consequences on the civilian workforce. I ask everyone to watch out for one another and be good Wingmen. If you need help, please let someone know and we will do everything we can to provide assistance. We are a strong Team and I ask everyone to band together as we go through this difficult time. As always your thoughts and concerns are welcome. Please send to or call (661) 727-5462. Thank each and every one of you for what you do each and every day to make the AFTC Team successful.