AFMC Unit Effectiveness Inspection

  • Published
  • By Brig. Gen. E. John Teichert
  • 412th Test Wing

Team Test Wing,

Next week is our AFMC Unit Effectiveness Inspection. Per my guidance, we have intentionally not spun-up for the event. After all, we perform our mission in accordance with Air Force guidance and directives every day, and the inspection should be a reflection of our regular performance that is already highly effective. If anything, this inspection is yet another part of our journey to constantly improve … for the warfighter. The following are a few thoughts as you interact with inspectors:

  • Welcome the inspectors into your workspace and be professional and courteous hosts. 
  • Ensure the safety of the inspectors. If you see them doing anything that is unsafe, please stop them immediately.
  • Stay positive, listen, and take input when offered. 
  • Don’t argue with the inspectors, and don’t focus or dwell on deficiencies as they actually have minimal impact to the UEI grade. 
  • The enemy is unidentified non-compliance, so be up front about the challenges, limitations and issues you are facing. 
  • Tell your story!
  • Be Educators – Widen the Aperture of the IG Team and share our successes!  Airmen should be focused on educating the IG team on your part of the 412th Test Wing Mission – its successes and its challenges.
  • If you don’t know an answer to a question – be honest, try to find the answer, and get back with the inspector.

Next week will be over before we know it, and the inspectors will undoubtedly walk away impressed with you, your team, and our wing as they consider the Major Graded Areas:  Managing Resources, Leading People, Improving the Unit, and Executing the Mission. Thank you for all that you will do next week to share the impressive story from here at The Center of the Aerospace Testing Universe.