
Behind the music: Tops in Blue wows Edwards

Tops in Blue entertained more than 700 Edwards people June 15, 2006, at the base theater.  (Photo by Airman 1st Class Julius Delos Reyes)

Tops in Blue entertained more than 700 Edwards people June 15, 2006, at the base theater. (Photo by Airman 1st Class Julius Delos Reyes)

Three Tops in Blue staff members raise a truss for the lights and audio equipment. (Photo by Airman 1st Class Julius Delos Reyes)

Three Tops in Blue staff members raise a truss for the lights and audio equipment. (Photo by Airman 1st Class Julius Delos Reyes)

EDWARDS AIR FORCE BASE, Calif. -- A spotlight came from the back highlighting the American and the Air Force flags held by the base honor guard members. More than 700 people stood silently. Blue and red lights shone from the back of the stage, as ten men, wearing white tuxedos jackets and black pants, and eight women, wearing sparkly black tops and white skirt, walked onto the stage and holding microphones began to sing.

"Oh, say can you see by the dawn's early light ..." Thus, the dawning of "Tops in Blue's" musical and dance entertainment for Edwards' community June 15 at the base theater.

Twenty-four hours earlier, two cargo trucks, a bus and two mini vans entered and parked in Edwards' theater parking lot. Thirty-five men and women, clad in blue jumpsuits, came out from the bus and walked toward the base theater. At 8:10 p.m., the "Tops in Blue" team started diagramming setup of the sound system, lighting, wardrobe and safety.

"We are our own road crew," said 1st Lt. Mimi Ledet, "Tops in Blue" keyboardist. "People are formed into four crews, lighting, staging, wardrobe and audio. We install everything ourselves."

It was almost dark as the sun dipped below the mountains in the west. The "Tops in Blue" performers, together with Edwards' volunteers, started unloading more than 100,000 pounds of equipment from two cargo trucks parked at the theater's right side at 8:30 p.m.

A different "Tops in Blue" performance was seen that Wednesday night. Wires, black linoleum, stage boards and stainless steel trusses were spread on the stage's floor -- barely a "Tops in Blue" stage setup. Like a jigsaw puzzle, the "Tops in Blue" team pieced together the boards for the stage's stairs and platform and the trusses to hold and raise the black shiny curtains, lighting equipment and speakers.

"As soon as people are done with their responsibility, they immediately move to another area to help somebody else," said Senior Airman Michael Lemorie, "Tops in Blue" vocalist. "Our job is not over until that stage is ready for the show because the whole team comes together, and the whole team leaves together."

Five hours passed, but the "Tops in Blue" members were still working. They decorated the stage with black-painted boards accented with white roses and arranged the musical instruments. The team put the finishing touches on the stage at 3:30 a.m. and headed to lodging for some needed rest.

"Tops in Blue" arrive back at the theater to rehearse at 1 p.m. June 15. The team practiced their songs and dance numbers. By 4:45 p.m., practice was wrapping up, leaving just enough time for the team to change their clothes for the big night.

"Our goal is to have a perfect show -- from the notes being sung and played at night to lighting and sounds," said Capt. Sean Carter, "Tops in Blue" operations officer. "We are never happy until everything is perfect. We always want to provide top-notch quality entertainment because we are performing for our Air Force family."

The performers entertained the audience with their song and dance and played musical instruments including drums, guitar, bass, trumpets, saxophone, trombone and keyboard. The group smiled as they entertained the audience. The "Tops in Blue" team also interacted, danced with and serenaded the audience -- from singing love songs to modern popular music. Meanwhile, the audience clapped and cheered at the performers. "Tops in Blue" finished the show with their rendition of "God Bless the USA" and the Air Force Song.

"It boosts the morale of the troops, family members, spouses and children," said Airman Lemorie. "I have so many people come up to me after shows and say, 'My husband is deployed at the moment and I feel I am closer to him tonight because of what you gave to us.' To have personal experiences like that with people who hear your show is just wonderful. We are able to uplift people in that way, and it represents the Air Force in the most positive light that I can think of."

The "Tops in Blue" team changed into gray shirts and black pants and started disassembling the stage and equipment at 9:30 p.m. that same night. Some of the team and Edwards' volunteers were cleaning the theater. They finished loading their equipment back onto the two cargo trucks at 1:30 a.m., June 16.

Just like nomads, "Tops in Blue" took off to another Air Force base. As the temperature rose to 98 degrees and the sun was in its peak, "Tops in Blue" headed off from the desert and rode east.
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