COVID-19 supplies replenished at Honduran clinic with help from JTF-B Published May 26, 2021 By Sgt Lauren Brune JTF-Bravo Public Affairs Siguatepeque, Honduras -- Service members with Joint Task Force-Bravo civil affairs, a task force within U.S. Southern Command at Soto Cano Air Base, Honduras, donated COVID-19 supplies to the Hospital Policlinico triage clinic, Siguatepeque, Honduras, May 26, 2021. Supplies included personal protective equipment, as well as oxygen supplemental storage and administration equipment comprised of oxygen cylinders, regulators, and de-humidifiers. “This donation will be used to safe-guard the personnel working in the hospital, as well as helping to mitigate the spread of COVID-19 throughout the community,” said U.S. Army Capt. Christopher Estilette, civil affairs team leader. “The oxygen tanks, regulators, and other supplies will be used to stabilize patients with severe respiratory symptoms that have come as a result of contracting COVID-19. It is our team’s hope that this donation will be able to alleviate stress both during and after COVID-19.” On a daily basis the clinic receives about 80 patients, with an average of 17 being admitted for three to five days for COVID-19 related symptoms. “I am honored to be here today to provide this donation on behalf of the U.S. Southern Command and to continue the legacy of solidarity and partnership with our neighbors,” said U.S. Air Force Lt. Col. Gregory Roberts, Joint Task Force-Bravo deputy commanding officer. “Your dedication to protecting the health of your people is inspiring. You are doing an excellent job and we are happy to be able to assist you as your friends and partners with the ongoing pandemic.” The supplies, valued at approximately $39,000, under the U.S. Southern Command’s Humanitarian Assistance Program, will increase the local clinics ability to care for COVID-19 patients. “Being able to assist and work alongside our Honduran partners is near indescribable,” said Estilette. “The joy we are capable of bringing to those in such severe need, is why my team and I joined the military.”