AFMC Command News

  • Stock Control System Professionals collaborate, track assets

    On a daily basis, the Air Logistics Complex’s take on the monumental task of maintaining thousands of aircraft.  The Stock Control System (SCS) is one of the primary Air Force logistics and financial systems enabling this massive task.

  • Air Force announces bases to support B-21 Raider mission

    The Air Force has selected Tinker Air Force Base, Oklahoma, to coordinate maintenance and sustainment of the B-21 Raider and Edwards AFB, California, to lead testing and evaluation of the next generation long-range strike bomber.

  • More C-130s coming to Robins!

    The Navy’s C-130 programmed depot maintenance workload currently being done at Hill Air Force Base, Utah by the Ogden Air Logistics Complex will begin to transition to the Warner Robins Air Logistics Complex in June.

  • Robins finishes Global Hawk work ahead of schedule

    A special ribbon-cutting ceremony, signaling the early completion of work on the first RQ-4 Global Hawk at Robins, was held on the base flight line June 29. The arrival of this unmanned aerial vehicle marks the first time an aircraft of this type has flown in to an Air Force air logistics complex.