April 2, 2019 Air Force releases 2018 Acquisition Report The Air Force released the Fiscal Year 2018 Air Force Acquisition Annual Report April 2, emphasizing the need to field tomorrow’s Air Force faster and smarter.
Nov. 14, 2018 AFMC unleashes $4.6 million in FY18 Squadron Innovation Funds When Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. David L. Goldfein asked leaders to “unleash the brilliance in our Airmen,” Air Force Materiel Command answered the call, executing more than $4.6 million in Squadron Innovation Funds in fiscal year 2018.
Oct. 7, 2018 AFIMSC completes historic fiscal year closeout The Air Force executed a record $6.9 billion in the installation and mission support portfolio during fiscal 2018, nearly $1 billion more than last year, and culminating in a successful, historic fiscal year close out.