AFMC Command News

  • A1C with PhD now a 2Lt

    In December 2018, the Air Force published a story about an airman first class with a Ph.D. in analytical chemistry. The article went somewhat viral within Air Force circles, with many social media users questioning why someone with a doctoral degree would choose to enlist rather than earn a

  • A1C with Ph.D. lands job at nuclear treaty monitoring center

    It’s not often you see those three-letter titles A1C and Ph.D. used to refer to the same person. As a matter of fact, only one-hundredth of one percent of the Air Force’s enlisted force from E-1 through E-9 possess a doctor of philosophy degree, one of 33 enlisted Airmen in the Air Force with a

  • COMMENTARY: Our Cardboard Christmas Tree

    Holidays are tough for me. I used to love Thanksgiving and Christmas, but some difficult times fell upon my family and I found myself separated from the joy I once knew. Maybe you find this season difficult as well, or maybe you are a sucker for Hallmark-esque Christmas tearjerkers like me my wife.

  • Air Force working to break the 'STEM mold'

    In 1976, esteemed historian and author Laurel Thatcher Ulrich wrote a book entitled, “Well-Behaved Women Seldom Make History.” The premise of her work was to shine a light on famous women throughout history who challenged the way things were done. While the title may seem to be a modern-day rallying