AFMC Command News

  • EITaaS Wave 1 services awarded in $5.7B agreement

    EITaaS is a Department of the Air Force initiative that leverages industry to provide a standardized, innovative, and agile information technology service across the Department. Wave 1 will transform DAF IT services from in-house, base-centric delivery models to an enterprise servicer model.

  • AFMC plays key role in record Air Force DITPR compliance

    The Air Force made history recently by becoming the first agency ever to achieve a 100% compliance rating in the Department of Defense Information Technology Portfolio Repository. With nearly 700 IT investments totaling more than $1 billion dollars, Air Force Materiel Command manages one-third of

  • AFIMSC accelerates change across the enterprise with Big Data

    The Air Force Installation and Mission Support Center is improving data-driven decision making processes across the Air and Space Forces. The center hosted a Big Data Summit June 15-17 to share the its data management strategy, vision and ongoing efforts with key stakeholders.

  • Air Force deploys commercial IT capability

    The Enterprise-IT-as-Service team, headquartered here, reached a significant milestone in information technology by allowing Airmen direct access to the enterprise edge utilizing commercial cloud environments at six Air Force installations.

  • DOD PEOs meet at Maxwell to discuss challenges, share innovations

    Program executive officers from several Department of Defense agencies met at the Air Force Program Executive Office-Business and Enterprise Systems headquarters here recently to share information on current and emerging information technology solutions and updates to acquisition processes and