Oct. 29, 2021 US Air Force awards F-15EX engine contract The United States Air Force awarded a $1,579,662,187 contract to General Electric, GE Edison Works, Cincinnati, Oct. 29, for the purchase of 29 engines — installs and spares — in support of the production of 12 F-15EX Eagle II aircraft.
Sept. 24, 2021 DAF awards Rolls-Royce B-52H engine contract The competitive single award contract provides for 608 military derivative commercial engines, plus spare engines, associated support equipment and commercial engineering data, to include sustainment activities, to be used on the B-52H bomber fleet.
April 24, 2019 Team JSTARS maintainers design tool saving Air Force estimated $500k yearly Eight Airmen from Team JSTARS at Robins Air Force Base, Georgia, recently designed an innovative tool estimated to save the Air Force nearly $500k a year in cowling repairs for the E-8C Joint STARS aircraft. The cowling fixture table, an approved tool intended for field-level repairs, was a response
Jan. 21, 2019 January marks 60th anniversary of turbine engine testing for AEDC J-1 engine test cell The AEDC J-1 engine test cell at Arnold Air Force Base has reached is 60th year providing altitude testing for medium and large turbine engines.The first facility constructed at AEDC for the testing of turbine engines was based on equipment and operation of a German facility that was moved to the
Aug. 8, 2017 AEDC test facility resurrected for AFRL-sponsored testing of high-efficiency, diesel engine ARNOLD AIR FORCE BASE, Tenn. -- Testing for the Graflight V-8, a high-efficiency, diesel engine designed and produced by Engineered Propulsion Systems, has brought about the reopening of the Arnold Engineering Development Complex T-11 engine test cell here.Prior to this, T-11 had not been testing in