Aug. 11, 2023 AFVentures launches 2024 STRATFI/TACFI Notice of Opportunity AFVentures, the commercial investment arm of AFWERX and the Department of the Air Force, or DAF, on Thursday, Aug. 10, 2023, issued a notice of opportunity for its Strategic Funding Increase and Tactical Funding Increase, or STRATFI/TACFI, programs.
Oct. 25, 2022 AFWERX AFVentures enhances SBIR/STTR program to increase tech transition AFWERX AFVentures began the new fiscal year with multiple enhancements to the Small Business Innovation Research/Small Business Technology Transfer, or SBIR/STTR, Program after Congress reauthorized the program, Sept. 30, 2022. These improvements aim to further encourage domestic small businesses to
Feb. 7, 2022 Blue Cyber Initiative provides road map to cybersecurity success for small business Recently, the Department of Defense has put new effort into existing regulations to ensure small businesses contracted by the government are prepared to provide adequate protection to their networks, their intellectual property and DoD’s sensitive data. To assist in compliance, a new initiative