AFMC Command News

  • Flashback: Boeing B-52G Nuclear Engine Testbed

    In 1946, The Department of Defense (DoD) initiated a joint project between the Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) and the Air Force known as the Aircraft Nuclear Propulsion (ANP) Program. Based on requirements established by the DoD, the ANP program, known also as the Manned Aircraft Nuclear Propulsion

  • Flashback: The Navaho Missile: Part 2

    Note:  This is part two of a series on the Navaho Missile. Part one can be viewed at The Navaho Missile: Part 1.As Phase 1 testing of the X-10 Program came to an end, the flight test portion for Phase 2 began to ramp up at the Air Force Missile Test Center at Cape Canaveral, Florida. From the

  • Flashback: The Navaho Missile: Part 1

    During the 1950’s and 60’s the United States pushed the limits of aerospace vehicle evolution attempting to go faster and higher while exploring the edge of the unknown.  As contractors hoped to clutch a big production contract, new designs jumped off the drawing boards at a rapid pace with many

  • FLASHBACK: Triplesonic Interceptors: The F-103, F-108 & YF-12A

    "Speed is life," is a phrase used by fighter pilots and it was never more prevalent than in the late 1950’s when post-war technology was advancing at a rapid pace. The technological advancements in aviation allowed aircraft to go from piston driven fighters to rocket-powered vehicles capable of

  • FLASHBACK: Gliders...from Wright Field to the Netherlands

    “I’ll tell you straight out. If you’ve got to go into combat, don’t go by glider. Walk, crawl, parachute, swim, float – anything! But don’t go by glider.”[1]Walter Cronkite, American war correspondentGlider training had become a requisite for Luftwaffe flight training post-World War I and by 1935,

  • Flashback: Hypersonic Flight to the Edge of Space

    While most of the country was focused on the race to space, a unique test program was just getting underway at Edwards Air Force Base in the high desert of California. This vehicle was like no other, built to withstand the temperatures of hypersonic flight as well as flight to the edge of space, the

  • History of Aircraft Track Landing Gear

    *(Extracted from historical study No. 135: Case History of Track Landing Gear) The design of landing gear is closely related to an aircraft’s mission. In the 1940’s it was thought that heavy bombardment aircraft, if using conventional systems, would require thick, expensive runways. Track landing

  • Science at War: Early Guided Missiles

    “Science at War: Early Guided Missiles,” takes the reader into the experimenting and science of the early guided missiles, from just prior to World War I and its beginnings here in Dayton, Ohio, through World War II and guidance technology in glide bombs. Flashbacks are short, informative readings

  • FLASHBACK: “Battle of Kansas” and the Birth of the Superfortress

    Flashbacks are short, informative reading that “flashback” to a period of time within the history of Air Force Materiel Command utilizing primary source document(s) held within the HQ AFMC/HO’s archives. This introductory issue of AFMC Flashbacks, "Battle of Kansas” and Birth of the Superfortress,”